Duke Graduate • 25 Years Experience • Over 3000 Students


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee

Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One SAT Test Prep Tutors – Test Prep Sessions Online

Score Satisfaction Guarantee & Without Homework Requirement


In March 2020, we had to switch our test prep classes to an online format and we have noticed that our results have been much better since. Because of that, test prep classes continue to be conducted via the online platform Zoom. For more information about how our online test prep classes work please read below.

Online test prep classes – How are online test prep sessions different?

  • Instead of studying within a group, he or she works from home. Instead of meeting with me in person, he or she will do so online.
  • Online sessions will continue to be scheduled at http://www.mrtestprep.acuityscheduling.com
  • The scheduled online SAT/ACT test prep appointment confirmation emails are going to have the Zoom meeting info.
  • Whenever practice tests are recommended, they will be taken from your home and then assessed during our test prep sessions.
  • You are going to be invoiced via e-mail.



Learn More About Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One SAT Test Prep Tutors Here

SAT Exam Tutorials Online


Working with Michael was probably the best decision I made in my college preparation process. While many of my friends were stressed out with homework and impersonal tutoring at other test prep sites, Michael helped me improve only what I needed to improve, with no homework to add on to the already stressful year at school. Michael teaches you how to think on the tests, and gives you confidence going into them, which I think is crucial to success. He helped me greatly, and it is definitely worth the price.
Elias Nasr
Menlo-Atherton 2020
UC Santa Barbara 2024

As I was starting to get prepared for the SAT, I knew I needed a tutor to help me improve my skills and reach my score goal. Mr. Test Prep not only helped me reach my goal for the SAT, but he also helped me relax along the way. I came into SAT prep thinking it would be stressful the whole time through, and while it was stressful in some parts, Mr. Test Prep taught me and showed me that it’s just one little tiny road bump. Before one of my test dates was coming up, he taught me some meditation techniques to help me relax. I was never one for meditation before, but I could see how much he valued his students through this one simple act. Mr. Test Prep takes SAT/ACT tutoring one step further by not only improving his student’s academic skills but also providing a human connection. I can fully attribute reaching my SAT goal to the help of Mr. Test Prep. 🙂

Marcus Chavez
San Jose Evergreen Valley High School 2019
Santa Clara University 2023



See ALL 150 Testimonials to Date Here

Also, check out our 5-Star Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One SAT Test Prep Tutors reviews – Mr. Test Prep on Yelp



Score Satisfaction Guarantee – Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One SAT Test Prep Tutors

I am so convinced that the Mr. Test Prep program can help almost any student achieve the score increase he or she is looking for, that I offer my students a score satisfaction guarantee. What does this mean? The students will be able to continue to attend Mr. Test Prep for free, in case they are unhappy with the final results.

Click Here and Read: Exactly How does the Score Satisfaction Guarantee work?

Best Online ACT-SAT Preparation Tutors


Schedule Your Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One SAT Test Prep Tutors !


Free Test Prep Trial Sessions Online
Our free trial sessions are also conducted online.
For the trial session, we will be meeting online using Zoom.
To get the most out of the trial session, it is best, if the student can stay undisturbed for the duration of the two hour trial session.
When you book a free trial session, all the information needed for the Zoom meeting will be sent along with your confirmation notification.
I will be in contact within the first 15 minutes of our session.

After The Trial Session
After the trial session, I will get in touch with a parent and will discuss my test prep advice.
If your trial session is on Saturday, I am going to contact you between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Monday. And if your trial session takes place on a Sunday, I will call you between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Tuesday.
In the event you have to make some other arrangements or if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
By clicking this link you are able to schedule a phone call, if needed.

Book The Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One SAT Test Prep Tutors !


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee