
No Homework

SAT Tutoring Palo Alto CA

When I started out as an SAT tutor over 26 years ago, I worked for one of the big chain companies, and I learned something that very few tutors will admit: since students almost never apply themselves to test prep homework, it’s almost always a complete waste of time and energy.

When homework gets done—if it gets done—there’s actually very little A) that I can tell from their performance and B) that the students get from the experience. This is because almost no one does the homework in a way that replicates the conditions of the test. Some do a rush job in the 10 minutes before the lesson. Others make a halfhearted attempt while watching TV or intermittently scrolling through Instagram. Even the most dedicated students shoot themselves in the foot by going WAY over the time limits because they “don’t want to get a bad grade.”

Why I stopped assigning homework

It’s the dirty little secret of the tutoring industry that no one else wants to admit: homework is for the parents. Parents expect it—and they’re the customers after all, not the students—so no one ever stops to ask if homework is actually a useful pedagogical tool.

For this reason, I stopped assigning homework altogether and it’s been the best choice I’ve ever made as an educator. By not demanding that students self-motivate on their own time, I avoid the frustration and demoralization that comes with halfheartedly doing something that is simultaneously hard and boring. Of course, students get frustrated doing SAT homework! Standardized testing is designed to take place inside a strict infrastructure—proctors, ticking clocks, and silent classrooms—which forces them to take the questions seriously.

If students don’t apply the attention that these tests require, the questions go from challenging to impossible. Now, just imagine how your confidence would plummet if, week after week, you went through an unpleasant exercise that just reinforced how stupid, pointless, and tedious standardized testing is. That negative mental state basically guarantees a lower score, so why do all the other test prep programs insist on doing something so ineffective?

By dispensing with homework, I get a huge amount of credit with my students, which translates to a stronger rapport, the #1 tool in any educator’s arsenal. Eliminating homework also prevents the burnout that so often occurs 3/4ths of the way through these sorts of programs. Instead, by giving up a very limited pedagogical tool, I am able to pull out of my students a much more dedicated, serious, and engaged performance. They appreciate that all I’m asking for are the two hours of the lesson, so they work harder and stay focused longer, and that’s worth a whole lot more academically than 15 pages of homework done by the light of a TV screen.

Our Testimonials : 185 to Date

Maria Ayala
Many people are good at what they do, less are great and then there are those rare few who were born to do what they do; Michael Romano was born to help students. His enigmatic, vibrant and intellectual personality iexudes positivity and comfort. I discovered Michael’s SAT Prep last summer as I continuously banged my head on my desk while drowning in a pile of SAT books filled with questions that made no sense to me. I never thought myself capable of excelling on standardized tests or of even attending a top university but upon meeting Michael my whole life changed. Michael is so much more than a tutor, he’s an inspiration, an unsung hero, a friend who’s there to bring out the best in you, to introduce you to your uncapped potential, which you were so blindly unaware of. It is with no exaggeration that I can say that each and every one of the 40 sessions that I attended with Michael were both a blend of academic triumph and hysterical laughter, for he is the only person that can make any SAT problem into the funniest joke you’ve ever heard. With time, his inspirational jargon will resonate with you wherever you go, to the point that “Dazzle me, don’t frazzle me” will become a common melody in your ear. In the short time I’ve known Michael, I’ve grown equally as a person as I have as an SAT test taker and I owe him much more than just a thank you for helping increase my score by 300 points! I owe him my sincerest and most genuine gratitude for giving me a future, for encouraging the highest of excellence and for proving to me as well as every single student that has ever walked through his doors, that absolutely anything is possible if one is willing to work hard enough for it. Despite my effort this testimonial still doesn’t even come close to the magic, the music, the jokes, the charisma of the greatest tutor you’ll ever meet. Choosing to work with Michael Romano was the best decision I’ve ever made and I can guarantee that it will be yours too. So to all reading this, I wish you good luck with your academic endeavors and to Michael, I applaud you on all you have done for me and every other student you’ve ever met. You truly are one of a kind : )

Maria Avalya
Middle College 2014
UCLA 2018
Julia López
Mr. Romano is the best tutor I have ever worked with… EVER!! I had gone to previous SAT prep centers, but none of them gave me the help and results that Mr. Romano did! One thing that was different with Mr. Romano, was that I actually enjoyed attending his test preps, and would even look forward to them!! As a busy student, with multiple extra curricular activities, his flexible schedule and no homework policy made prepping for the SAT less stressful! Mr. Test Prep’s one-on-one assistance helped me to not only identify my mistakes, but understand, and correct them as well. Also, Mr. Romano’s relaxed demeanor and constant positive attitude created a wonderful learning environment, which helped me improve my score by 500+ points! I also scored in the 700s on my SAT Subject Tests too! Mr. Romano totally prepared me for these exams, and I know I would not have been able to do as well as I did without him! Because of Mr. Romano, I am more confident in my test taking and academic abilities! Mr. Test Prep is more than a tutor! He is a mentor, and a pretty incredible one at that! It is safe to say that Mr. Romano is the one of the reasons why I was accepted to UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Cornell University, and Georgetown University, where I will be attending in the fall!! THANK YOU SO MUCH MR. TEST PREP!! YOU’RE THE BEST!!!

Julia López
Lincoln High School (San José) ‘13
Georgetown University ‘17
Guillermo Lopez
Mr. Romano is simply the best. Upon entering Mr. Romano’s test prep, I knew little about the SAT. The knowledge and wisdom that I inherited from Michael is truly priceless. While at Mr. Test Prep’s, Michael helped me zone in and conquer the areas in which I was struggling. Mr. Romano was very encouraging and supportive to me every time I was in his presence. Mr. Romano would carefully evaluate my progress and generously give me tips on any of my consistent confidence shortcomings. Michael’s years of experience and great social skills has enabled him to express his knowledge in ways that would help me better understand any given material. My scores, in all sections of the SAT, had climbed very significantly. Along with my growth in confidence, the appreciation I have for Mr. Romano and all his hard work grew even more. For anyone who has worked with Mr. Romano, it is clear that MICHAEL ROMANO IS THE “GO TO” GUY FOR ANYTHING RELATING TO THE SAT. Mr. Romano goes far beyond that of a SAT prep teacher. Michael has become to me more of a mentor and good friend. Other than being a great teacher, Mr. Romano is also a great person; a likable person. Michael Romano ranks among the highest all around great individuals I have had the honor of knowing. It meant all the more to me that Mr. Romano was always someone I can turn to for valuable insight on things that might be giving me trouble; both in and out of the classroom. I struggled a lot with academics in high school and often worried about my ability to continue education in a college setting, but Mr. Romano made all the difference. After I was taken under Michael’s wing, my academics made a significant change for the better. My grades began to soar hand-in-hand with my SAT scores. Mr. Romano helped me the way nobody else could. I owe a lot to Michael and thank God that He has blessed me in coming to know Mr. Romano. With all that he has done for me, Michael has helped my once far-fetched dream of continuing my studies in Santa Barbara a reality.

Guillermo Lopez
Lincoln High School '14
Sanat Barabra College '18
Veronica Louise Mendoza
I had gone to over three different standardized testing tutors in the Bay Area since my freshman year. All left me unsatisfied, with mediocre results and my mother constantly reprimanding me for spending so much money on multiple exams and different tutors. On a whim, we tried Mr. Test Prep. Many of my friends had gone to him and raved about how his tutoring style is unique, effective, and definitely worth the money. They all succeeded in their standardized test preps, why shouldn’t I?
I can clearly remember Mr. Test Prep’s response when I said, “I’m no good at math and science.” He said, “Don’t think that way! These questions are easy if you think of them as easy. Let me break ‘em down for you…” Ever since then, the ACT has not intimidated me with the daunting math and science sections. His tricks to make sure I didn’t make any “silly” mistakes even increased my scores to near-perfection in the subjects that I was stronger in – reading, writing, and English! Additionally, the group testing environment was insanely helpful in practicing what to expect during test day. Mr. Test Prep’s unpredictable outbursts of songs and people’s sneezing and coughing inevitably allowed me to block out the irrelevant and focus on the test. I also still do his meditations today before a big event or test! They have assisted me greatly in becoming more centered, and have me diving into any task headfirst with steady hands and tranquility.
Not only did Mr. Test Prep increase my confidence in test taking, but he also helped boost my overall determination in conquering whatever may stand in my way – including math and science! The results of Mr. Test Prep’s tutoring are not merely numbers. If you are seeking someone who is more than a tutor – someone who is a role model, friend, and a hilarious mentor, then Mr. Test Prep is for you!

Veronica Louise Mendoza (Mountain View, CA)
Sacred Heart Preparatory, Class of 2015
UCLA, Class of 2019
Maxwell “M-Bizzle” Bernstein
Michael Romano is the best. No exceptions. My first experience with SAT prep was with a not-so-great company, so I was at first reluctant to try Mr Test Prep. Boy, was I wrong — I should have started with him from the beginning! In the first half hour of the trial session he told me that I was probably better suited for the ACT. I tried my hand at that instead, and scored significantly higher. Mr Test Prep also helped me prepare for the PSAT, and now I am a National Merit Scholar. I definitely could not have done it without him. Michael is relaxed and funny, but don't let that fool you! He is a class A++ tutor. Thank you!!

Maxwell "M-Bizzle" Bernstein
PALY 2014
Tufts University 2018

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