Duke Graduate • 25 Years Experience • Over 3000 Students


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee

Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One ACT Test Prep Tutors – Test Prep Classes Online

No Homework Required & Results Guaranteed


In March 2020, we had to switch our test prep classes to an online format and we have noticed that our results have been much better since. Because of that, we continue to conduct ACT and SAT test prep sessions online via Zoom. See below for more information about how our online test prep classes are structured.

Online test prep classes – How is an online test prep session different?

  • Instead of doing work within a group, he or she studies from home. The student will not sit with me in person; instead, he or she will meet with me online.
  • Students can schedule online sessions at http://www.mrtestprep.acuityscheduling.com
  • Your online ACT/SAT test prep appointment confirmation emails are going to have all the info you will need to access the Zoom meeting.
  • If practice tests are recommended, they will be taken at home and then assessed during the test prep sessions.
  • You will be invoiced via e-mail.



Learn More About Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One ACT Test Prep Tutors Here

SAT Exam Tutorials Online


We were referred to Michael from a friend. The time my son spent with Michael was invaluable. After just two sessions with Michael, my son took the ACT for the first time- scoring a composite of 32 (scoring 35/36 in every subject except English). The next few sessions with Michael were spent mostly on English. The second time my son took the ACT he scored a composite of 35 with a 12 on the writing portion. Michael understands how to communicate with this age group and connect with the kids as individuals. He teaches techniques, strategies, and how to lower anxiety, all on an individualized basis. My son felt so confident before the second test. He said he knew exactly what he needed to do to succeed. My son also scored 790 and 800 on two SAT Subject Tests, which he worked on in one session with Michael. Our daughter will be going to Michael in a few years. Highly recommend.
The numbers don’t lie.
Katie B
LAHS 2020 (parent)
Michael Romano was exceptional at helping me build confidence with the test. After working with him I was able to walk into my test knowing I would be increasing my score significantly. He was great at addressing personal areas I needed to improve on along with giving overall strategic advice. I looked forward to going to my appointment to see my progress each week and talk to him as he is very genuine. I highly recommend him for SAT/ACT tutoring.
Elena Palacios
Mountain View High ‘2018
University of Hawaii at Manoa ‘2022


See ALL 150 Testimonials to Date Here

Also, check out our 5-Star Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One ACT Test Prep Tutors reviews – Mr. Test Prep on Yelp



Score Satisfaction Guarantee – Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One ACT Test Prep Tutors

I am so convinced that the Mr. Test Prep sessions can assist almost any student achieve the score increase he or she would like to have, that I offer my students a score satisfaction guarantee. This means in case the students are not completely pleased with their scores, they will be able to keep attending Mr. Test Prep for free.

Click Here and Read: Exactly How does the Score Satisfaction Guarantee work?

Best Online ACT-SAT Preparation Tutors


Schedule Your Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One ACT Test Prep Tutors !


Free Online Trial Sessions
Our free trial sessions are conducted online, as well.
Once you have booked a trial session, we will be meeting online via Zoom.
It is best, if the student can remain undisturbed for the duration of the two hour trial session.
When you register for a free trial session, the Zoom link and instructions will be provided.
I will be in contact within the first 15 minutes of our session.

What Happens After The Trial Session?
A parent and I will have a follow-up phone call to discuss my test prep proposal.
If the trial session is on Saturday, I am going to contact the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Monday. If your trial session is on Sunday, I am going to call the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Tuesday.
In the event you need to make other arrangements or if you have any questions or concerns, make sure to let me know.
If you need to schedule a call to discuss, you can do so by clicking on this link.

Schedule The Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep Online One-On-One ACT Test Prep Tutors !


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee