

Duke Graduate • 25 Years Experience • Over 3000 Students


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee

Mr Test Prep One-On-One Online SAT Test Prep Teachers – Test Prep Sessions Online

Without Homework Requirement & With Results Guaranteed


Since we had to switch our test prep classes to an online format in March 2020, we have noticed that our results have been much better. Because of that, we continue to lead ACT and SAT test prep sessions via the online platform Zoom. For more information about how our online test prep sessions work please read below.

Online test prep classes – What’s different compared to in-person test prep classes?

  • During the online classes, the student does not study in a group setting, but each student works from home. Instead of having a session with me me in person, he or she will do so virtually.
  • Online sessions will continue to be scheduled at http://www.mrtestprep.acuityscheduling.com
  • The online SAT/ACT test prep appointment confirmation notifications are going to have the Zoom link and instructions.
  • When it is time for a practice test, it will be taken at home and then reviewed during our test prep classes.
  • You are going to be billed via e-mail.



Learn More About Mr Test Prep One-On-One Online SAT Test Prep Teachers Here

SAT Exam Tutorials Online


Even over Zoom, Michael (Mr. Test Prep) was incredibly engaging and personable. As someone who struggles to focus for extended periods of time, Michaels meditation sessions and testing strategies proved invaluable while taking the ACT. I really appreciated how he made an effort to get to know me as a person, as well as as a student, and used that knowledge to recommend strategies that would work best for me personally. I also really appreciated the way Michael was invested in my success and how he truly believed in me. His confidence wore off on me and with his help I only had to take the test once to achieve the score I desired. I am so grateful to have gotten to work with Michael!
Ella Nelson
Menlo Atherton High School 2022
Vanderbilt University 2026

My son’s ACT score improved by 7 points and SAT score by 200 points directly from Mr Test Prep’s tutoring. These new scores are absolute game changers for my son’s college list. We looked at other tutors in Menlo Park and Palo Alto and ultimately chose Michael Romano because of his smart and unique approach. These are the three things that make his approach different from others and much more effective:

  1. Individualized tutoring according to the student’s learning style
  2. Immediate feedback & answers to practice tests
  3. Understanding of how the tests are written, how to identify the “trick” questions, and ability to explain these to students

Michael Romano is the best at what he does.


Laura Vaugn

Parents of Bellarmine College Prep Student
Class of 2019


See ALL 150 Testimonials to Date Here

Also, check out our 5-Star Mr Test Prep One-On-One Online SAT Test Prep Teachers reviews – Mr. Test Prep on Yelp



Score Satisfaction Guarantee – Mr Test Prep One-On-One Online SAT Test Prep Teachers

I stand behind the fact that almost any student can improve their score to the level he or she is aiming for with the Mr. Test Prep program. I am so confident that I offer my students a score satisfaction guarantee, that allows them to keep attending Mr. Test Prep, free of charge, in case they are unhappy with their scores.

Click Here and Read: Exactly How does the Score Satisfaction Guarantee work?

Best Online ACT-SAT Preparation Tutors


Schedule Your Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep One-On-One Online SAT Test Prep Teachers !


Online Test Prep Trial Sessions
We are also conducting our free trial sessions online.
For the trial session, we will be connecting using the online platform Zoom.
The student will need a silent place where he or she can work for two hours without getting interrupted.
Once you book a free trial session, all the info needed to access the Zoom meeting will be sent along with your confirmation notification.
I am going to be in contact during the first 15 minutes of the trial session.

Follow-Up After The Trial Session
After the trial session, a parent and I will have a follow-up call to talk about my test prep suggestions.
If your trial session takes place on Saturday, I am going to call the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Monday. In case your trial session takes place on a Sunday, I am going to contact the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Tuesday.
In the event you need to make other arrangements or have any questions, make sure to let me know.
If you would like to schedule a call to discuss, you can do this by clicking on this link.

Schedule The Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep One-On-One Online SAT Test Prep Teachers !


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee