Duke Graduate • 25 Years Experience • Over 3000 Students


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee

Mr Test Prep Online ACT Programs – Test Prep Sessions Online

No Homework Required & With Score Satisfaction Guarantee


Ever since we switched our test prep sessions to an online format in March 2020, we have noticed that our results have been much better. Because of that, test prep sessions continue to be offered online using Zoom. See below for more information about how our online format works.

Online test prep sessions – How is an online test prep session different?

  • During the online classes, the student does not study in groups, but the student works from home. Instead of having a session with me me in person, he or she is going to do so online.
  • Online sessions are being scheduled at http://www.mrtestprep.acuityscheduling.com
  • When students schedule their appointments the Zoom meeting information will be included in the confirmation notifications.
  • When recommended practice tests will be taken from your home and then assessed during our test prep sessions.
  • You are going to be invoiced through e-mail.



Learn More About Mr Test Prep Online ACT Programs Here

SAT Exam Tutorials Online


Mr. Test Prep, Michael Romano, describes himself as making a “genuine connection with each student”. That’s truly what makes him special. He really ‘gets’ his students. He’s so cool he even hit the basketball court with my son and his friends! This chemistry enabled Michael to be both encouraging and direct with my student, like the best kind of coach. Michael set high but achievable goals, and nudged my student forward when he saw more potential. My son began working with Michael in the fall of 11th grade, prior to the junior year PSAT. As a result of that early practice and confidence building with Michael, my son received a high enough score on his PSAT to qualify as a National Merit Scholar Finalist. His top 1% PSAT test scores, followed by high ACT scores, absolutely and measurably opened college doors for my son. We appreciated that Michael had our son try both the SAT and ACT, and actually take both the SAT and ACT exams. Michael has been doing this long enough to have a data centered approach as to why he has students try both tests; he knows what he’s doing. Ultimately, my son was accepted to his dream school UCLA.
Jennifer Mutz
Parent of a Palo Alto High School Student 2021
(hopefully, the first and only 100% online class in Paly history)
UCLA, Design Media Arts, 2025

Mr. Test Prep offers amazing tutoring skills and provides a safe and great place to study and explore college options. Before going to him, I had never studied for SAT or ACT, neither did I know about my options for the test. Mr. TestPrep gave insight to me about each test and my options for what I might do best in to take. Once we decided on the test he personally sought to it that I improve upon the skills I needed to do the best I could. I have many friends who are seeking to take standardized tests soon and I have recommended each of them to seek the help of Mr. Test Prep because of how great of an experience I had with him. Instead of looking back at the SAT and having it be a test that I had to take, I look back and thank CollegeBoard that it was created because I was fortunate to meet such a kind teacher in a welcoming environment. Thank you, Michael!
Kristine Fischer-Colbrie
Sacred Heart Preparatory 2019
Santa Clara University 2023


See ALL 150 Testimonials to Date Here

Also, check out our 5-Star Mr Test Prep Online ACT Programs reviews – Mr. Test Prep on Yelp



Score Satisfaction Guarantee – Mr Test Prep Online ACT Programs

I am so convinced that the Mr. Test Prep sessions will help almost any student improve their scores to the level he or she is looking for, that I offer my students a score satisfaction guarantee. This means the students will be able to continue to attend Mr. Test Prep without any additional costs, in case they aren’t totally pleased with the results.

Click Here and Read: Exactly How does the Score Satisfaction Guarantee work?

Best Online ACT-SAT Preparation Tutors


Schedule Your Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep Online ACT Programs !


Online Test Prep Trial Sessions
Our free trial sessions are also conducted online.
For the trial session, we will be meeting via the online platform Zoom.
It is best, if the student can remain undisturbed for two hours.
Once you register for a free trial session, the Zoom meeting information will be provided.
I am going to be in contact during the first 15 minutes of our trial session.

After The Trial Session
After the trial session, I will be in touch with a parent and will talk about my test prep advice.
In case your trial session is on Saturday, I am going to call the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Monday. If your trial session takes place on Sunday, I am going to contact the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Tuesday.
Please let me know if we have to make some other arrangements or should you have questions you would like to discuss.
If you need to schedule a call to discuss, you may do so by clicking here.

Book Your Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep Online ACT Programs !


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee