Duke Graduate • 25 Years Experience • Over 3000 Students


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee

Mr Test Prep 1-On-1 ACT Test Prep Services Online – Test Prep Sessions Online

Score Satisfaction Guarantee & No Homework Required


Ever since we switched our test prep classes to an online format in March 2020, we have seen our best results. Because of that, test prep classes continue to be held through the online platform Zoom. See below for more information about how our online format is structured.

Online test prep classes – What is different compared to in-person classes?

  • During the online classes, the student does not work in groups, but he or she studies from home. And instead of sitting with me in person, the student will connect with me online.
  • Online sessions will be scheduled at http://www.mrtestprep.acuityscheduling.com
  • The Zoom meeting information will be provided in the scheduled appointment confirmation notices.
  • If it is time for a practice test, it will be taken at home and then evaluated in the test prep sessions.
  • You will be billed through email.



Learn More About Mr Test Prep 1-On-1 ACT Test Prep Services Online Here

SAT Exam Tutorials Online


Mr. Test Prep, Michael Romano, describes himself as making a “genuine connection with each student”. That’s truly what makes him special. He really ‘gets’ his students. He’s so cool he even hit the basketball court with my son and his friends! This chemistry enabled Michael to be both encouraging and direct with my student, like the best kind of coach. Michael set high but achievable goals, and nudged my student forward when he saw more potential. My son began working with Michael in the fall of 11th grade, prior to the junior year PSAT. As a result of that early practice and confidence building with Michael, my son received a high enough score on his PSAT to qualify as a National Merit Scholar Finalist. His top 1% PSAT test scores, followed by high ACT scores, absolutely and measurably opened college doors for my son. We appreciated that Michael had our son try both the SAT and ACT, and actually take both the SAT and ACT exams. Michael has been doing this long enough to have a data centered approach as to why he has students try both tests; he knows what he’s doing. Ultimately, my son was accepted to his dream school UCLA.
Jennifer Mutz
Parent of a Palo Alto High School Student 2021
(hopefully, the first and only 100% online class in Paly history)
UCLA, Design Media Arts, 2025

When you imagine a test prep tutor, what kind of person do you think of?
I’m the type of person who never worked well with adults who tried to push me or made me feel stupid, and that’s why I was really reluctant to try SAT prep.
But Michael Romano surprised me by defying the stereotype of the traditional harsh, nitpicky tutor time and time again. He never forces students to study or do homework assignments, and because he did not, I felt genuinely inspired to put in the effort on my own behalf. Rather than someone else driving my progress, I felt as though I held the reigns to my own improvement on the SAT.
I won’t talk about how Michael comes up with neat strategies for the trickiest of math and reading problems, how he’s an endlessly patient teacher, or how he made every seemingly impossible question look easy and conquerable. He did all of these things. But I think what truly makes Michael special is the effort he puts into each relationship with his students. He’s always positive, he always makes you feel that you are smart and capable of accomplishing things.

As a high school student, it’s pretty common to get extremely stressed out about standardized testing. But “stressed” is the last word I would ever use to describe Michael’s personality. Stress is contagious, and Michael knows this, so his test prep environment is calming and peaceful. He never gets upset with you for making mistakes; he’s never disappointed as long as you put in the effort. To me, this made all the difference in both my score and my mentality towards life.
Pranavi Kethanaboyina
Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy 2018
Stanford University 2022


See ALL 150 Testimonials to Date Here

Also, check out our 5-Star Mr Test Prep 1-On-1 ACT Test Prep Services Online reviews – Mr. Test Prep on Yelp



Score Satisfaction Guarantee – Mr Test Prep 1-On-1 ACT Test Prep Services Online

I am so convinced that the Mr. Test Prep sessions can assist almost any student achieve the score increase he or she is looking for, that I offer my students a score satisfaction guarantee. This means in case the students aren’t fully satisfied with the results, they will be able to continue to attend Mr. Test Prep without any additional costs.

Click Here and Read: Exactly How does the Score Satisfaction Guarantee work?

Best Online ACT-SAT Preparation Tutors


Schedule Your Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep 1-On-1 ACT Test Prep Services Online !


Free Trial Sessions Online
Our free trial sessions are also conducted online.
For the trial session, we will be meeting through the online platform Zoom.
In order to get the most out of the trial session, each student will require a place to work where he or she will stay uninterrupted for two hours.
When you book a free trial session, all the info needed for accessing the Zoom meeting will be provided.
I am going to be present for the first 15 minutes of the session.

After The Trial Session
I will be in touch with a parent and will talk about my test prep recommendations in a follow-up call.
If the trial session takes place on a Saturday, I will contact the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Monday. If the trial session takes place on a Sunday, I am going to contact the parent between 6 pm and 8 pm on the following Tuesday.
Please let me know in case we have to make some other arrangements or should you have any questions you would like to discuss.
By clicking on this link you can schedule a phone call at another time, if required.

Book The Free Trial Session here – Mr Test Prep 1-On-1 ACT Test Prep Services Online !


Mr-Test-Prep-SAT-ACT - FREE TRIAL SESSION - Satisfaction Guarantee