Improving your brain can help you learn and memorize important information faster. It can also help you recall information when you need it. Just like you take care of the rest of your body, you also need to take care of your brain. These four amazing tips will help you learn and recall material better than ever.

  1. Eat DHA

Fats are very good for your brain. Unfortunately, the saturated fats that make potato chips so delicious are not the kind that improve brain health. Instead of eating fatty junk foods while you are studying, eat healthy meals that boost brain function. Brains particularly benefit from a type of fat called DHA. DHA can be found in fish, eggs, flaxseed, nuts and green leafy vegetables. Eat a smoothie with some kale and flaxseed for breakfast and salmon for dinner to keep you brain functioning at its prime.

  1. Brain Exercise

You can work out your brain just like other parts of your body. LifeHacker suggests doing math drills. These are very simple math problems solved in quick succession. Not only will this keep your brain in shape, but it is very handy to have practice quickly performing simple math problems while taking the SAT or ACT.

  1. Green Intake

Scientific Learning sites studies that demonstrate that the brain functions better when it has been exposed to a natural environment. Get outside for a brisk walk or even take your studies outside to a picnic table on a nice day. Something as simple as keeping a plant on your desk can help, especially when the weather is not ideal for outdoor activity.

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  1. Physical Exercise

Brain matter is actually changed during exercise. Not only does exercise relieve stress and keep your body feeling healthy, it also changes the makeup of the brain, making it more productive. In addition, increased blood flow and a thriving heart make sure that oxygen to the brain is healthy and consistent. Harvard Health Publications suggests walking or regular aerobics to improve your memory and take care of your brain.
These four tips will help you build a better brain. Whether you are preparing for an exam or are simply concerned for the health of you brain, taking care of your brain using these tips will help you develop lifelong habits for a healthy brain.

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