
cupertino-act-sat-test-prep-tutoring-copySenioritis is apathy that sets in towards the end of your senior year. After your college applications have been turned in, you may be tempted to give up on school work and other obligations. You’ve worked so hard for so long, its hard to continue caring through your last semester. While you can slow down a bit and relax, don’t let senioritis ruin your last months of school. Here’s why:

1) Scholarships

Money is a powerful motivator. Scholarships become available all of the time, you don’t want a slip in your GPA to make you ineligible because you avoided school work the last few months of high school. Depending on the details, scholarships you’ve already received can also be lost if you don’t maintain the required GPA. The National Association of College Admissions Counseling cites examples of students who lost their merit scholarship because their class ranking fell during the last semester of school. It might be hard to imagine how college debt will impact your life in the future, but any assistance you can get is worth putting forth the effort.

2) Transition

The information you will be learning the last semester of you senior year will be helpful as you move on to college coursework. Make the transition to college easier by continuing to engage in learning and invest in your coursework.

3) Regret

You don’t want to look back on your last year of high school and regret how you spent your time. Don’t forget to spend time with friends and don’t quit the things you really enjoy. The last few months of high school can be the most fun and valuable for personal development.

4) Networks

If you are still exploring possible careers, this is the perfect time to find out more about your interests. Now that your exams are done and your applications are in, you have more time to talk with professionals, volunteer at an interesting organization, or arrange for job shadowing. Not only will you learn more about your interests, but you will develop contacts and create networks that could be beneficial to your future career.

Visualize the Future

It can be challenging to look past your current exhaustion or lack of motivation to see how the decisions you make now will impact your future. However, making wise decisions now, will set you up for a much easier time in college.

Cupertino ACT SAT test prep tutoring

Students generally dread test prep classes. They’re boring, difficult and pointless, or so most kids think. But they’re also necessary… Recognizing this, Mr. Test Prep has created a new approach to SAT/ACT tutoring that gets the job done without all the pain and frustration of traditional programs. Rather than depleting the finite well of motivation your student will need to get you through senior year, come to Mr. Test Prep for the most painless—dare I say fun?—SAT Prep in the Cupertino area. Specializing in the psychology of test taking, as well as the academic practices required to succeed, the lessons learned at our Cupertino SAT Prep center will empower your student both on Test Day and in their future academic endeavors.