
When you have an upcoming test, it is ideal to set up a test strategy so that you won’t be caught off guard on the day of the exam. A test strategy can help you stay focused and complete the exam, even when you are feeling jittery and anxious.

Always Answer

Always answer every question. The one test that took away points for a wrong answer (the SAT), no longer does so. It is very rare that guessing a wrong answer will hurt you on the exam. If you don’t know the answer, it is always good to write something down. At the very least, you may get partial credit. Some points are better than no points. You may also demonstrate some knowledge to your teacher, which could help you in the long run.

Keep Going

If you get caught up on a particular question, move on to the next question. Answering questions may boost your confidence. Then, you can go back to the challenging questions feeling better equipped. Answering more questions may also help jog your memory so that you remember a key fact, equation, or some other helpful tidbit that can help you answer the questions. Don’t linger over one question too long, you will become flustered and you aren’t likely to arrive at an answer. Instead, keep going and come back later. This will help keep anxiety levels low and ensure that the other questions also get enough of your attention.

Use Context

Many times, if a particular word or idea doesn’t make sense, the words around it will. Use cues from the text to discern what the problem is discussing and how you can start to answer. If you can pick up on the context of the problem, you will have a great starting point to determine the right answer.

Perform Well

A good test strategy can help you perform well on any exam. Think about your test strategy before the test so that you don’t feel stuck or surprised on exam day.