Many students choose between the ACT and the SAT when taking entrance exams. The SAT used to be the more popular exam, but according to numbers cited by CollegeRaptor, the ACT overtook the SAT for number of participants in 2012. The ACT is more common in the midwest, while the SAT seems to dominate the East and West Coast.
Which Exam?
Many universities accept both exams and claim to give them equal weight. So it is important that you choose the exam that is best for your abilities. Neither exam is better or worse than another, but they are different. For example, the ACT includes a specific science section and squeezes more questions into less time. If you choose to pursue the ACT, it is likely that you will also want ACT tutoring.
What is ACT Tutoring?
So what is ACT tutoring and why should you use it? Just like the SAT, the ACT has similar quirks and challenges. ACT tutoring can not only ensure that you have studied the appropriate material, but it can also help you know the ins and outs of the exam. ACT tutoring gives you the confidence you need to perform well on the exam.
Our Methods
At Mr. Test Prep, like SAT tutoring, our ACT tutoring includes timed practice tests. While students are taking their practice tests, we dedicate individual one on one time to address trouble spots as they arise. Our methods don’t require homework. We work to relieve stress and anxiety rather than add to it. Our expertise extends to the ACT and we can give students the confidence they need to reach their target scores on any exam they choose.
As you choose the exam you will take, be sure to choose the exam that will work well for you. Once you have chosen, don’t go it alone. Professional tutoring will help you do your best so that you can get into the institution of your choice.