The film industry offers an array of job opportunities from screenwriters to directors, camera operators to casting specialists. While there are a variety of opportunities within the film industry, it is also extremely competitive. Attending an elite film school will give you the edge you need to make it in such a challenging industry. Here are three of the top film schools in the United States.

3) University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania has a rich history of excellent academics. The film school is no exception. There is a wide breadth of courses offered within the film school that will give students a well rounded education, from technical skills to history to artistic interpretation. The University of Pennsylvania boasts an elite collection of alumni that attests to the excellency of the program. According to The Best Colleges, these alumni include a DreamWorks CEO, the president of Columbia Pictures and several Sundance Film Festival directors.

2) New York University

New York University has consistently turned out successful film school graduates. This established and prestigious film school is noted for the number of films its students turn out. According to Hollywood Reporter, NYU film students create more than 5,000 films a year. Located in a cultural and historical hub, the setting offers a unique advantage to film students. The school also offers access to some of the greatest film makers through a new program called Chair’s Workshop Series. Studying film at NYU will offer hands on experience that is essential to learning film making.

1) University of Southern California

If you are interested in cutting edge technology and the latest in virtual reality applications, the University of Southern California is the right choice for you. In addition to teaching the latest technologies, USC is known for embracing diversity and has received grants to include underrepresented communities in its film programs. Its location in the heart of the film community offers excellent opportunities for networking and real world experience. Graduation from USC will leave film students poised for an easy entry into the film industry.

Pursuing Your Passion

If you want to get into the best film schools, you will have to work hard. These film schools can be very selective and, once you achieve admittance, demanding. When film is your first passion, you will thrive in the stimulating environments offered by these three schools.


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