As you move into high school, coursework becomes more rigorous. We will have to manage writing papers, taking quizzes, and even final exams. The better you are at studying, the easier it will be to keep up and achieve your goals. Here are some of the best tips for how to study in high school and beyond.


  • Don’t Wait


Procrastinating is one of the worst things you can do. Cramming before an exam or quiz might get you a passing grade, but it will put you behind in the long run. Often, high school curriculum builds on itself. What you learn in 9th grade becomes helpful in 10th grade. If you only cram to learn for exams, you are less likely to remember the material. This means you will have to relearn everything the following year in order to perform well in a more advanced class. You will have to do double the work if you procrastinate and cram. Learning slowly over time solidifies the material in your mind, so that you will be able to draw from it in the future.


  • Schedule Time


Study time doesn’t just appear. It is easy to put off or let other things get in the way. If you want to avoiding cramming, you have to schedule time in your calendar for study. Set aside a few minutes after dinner every night to look over you notes from the day. Put a reminder in your phone or write it in your calendar. When study time is scheduled, you are less likely to put it off or forget.


  • Remove Distractions


When you do sit down to study, put away any distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone. Log out of social media accounts. Turn off the TV. Some people benefit from quiet background music. The less you have tempting you not to study, the easier it will be to focus on the subject.


  • Set Goals and Rewards 


You don’t have to study all day and all night. In fact, even just a few minutes a day will help.  Some studies say you shouldn’t study for more than 90 minutes in a row. So, set a goal time, 30 min. for example and then a reward. If you study for 30 minutes, uninterrupted, you can watch your favorite TV show, binge on YouTube for 30 min, or eat your favorite snack. Make sure you don’t indulge without completing your goal or there will be no incentive to keep working.

Stick to Your Plan

Methods of study can vary widely, what seems to be most difficult for students is taking the time to do it. Make a plan, sit down and focus for a few minutes everyday, and no matter your method, you are likely to perform well.


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