Do you have a strategy for studying? Do you sit down to study without thinking about your plan or your goals? If so, it is time to start thinking about the most effective ways to study so that you don’t waste any of your precious time. Check out this study strategy check list and decide which strategies can help you focus and concentrate.

  • Turn off all your devices.

Your cell phone, with all of its notifications, text alerts, and phone calls can be a constant distraction from your studies. Every time you switch between studying and looking at your phone, you break your concentration and lose precious minutes of your time.

  • Set a timer for planned breaks.

Your brain can only focus for so long before it becomes fatigued. Setting a               timer for a specific amount of time will help you maintain focus. A quick break will give you the energy you need to keep studying.

  • Write an outline.

An outline will help you interact with your material. You will have to synthesize and categorize the information. Making connections and distilling material down to the important points and supporting facts will help you memorize it.

  • Draw a picture.

Visual learners will benefit from pictures and diagrams. If you can draw the material in a way that will help you visualize it, you may have an easier time recalling it on the exam.

  • Read out loud.

Hearing the material is another way of experiencing it with a different sense. Reading out loud may help you stay focused and absorb the information as you read.

  • Review daily.

A little bit of review every day will help you remember new information that is introduced over a period of time. When you review new material as it introduced, you won’t have to waste time relearning information right before the exam. Daily review can help you find potential trouble spots so that you can focus your studies on the most challenging material.

  • Make a mind map.

A mind map is similar to an outline but a little more fluid. This tool, which maps out key concepts and connects supporting information, can also be very useful to the visual learner.

  • Eat well.

Your body responds to what you eat. When you are stressed and crunched for time, it can be tempting to eat sugary junk food. However, this can severely impact your energy levels and ability to focus. Instead, snack on healthy, brain fueling foods such as blueberries, avocados, nuts, and whole grains.

  • Build sleep into your schedule.

Don’t sacrifice sleep. You need rest to refuel your body. The right amount of sleep will help you stay focused and help you recall information when you need it.


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