Every test is different. Math tests can be especially challenging because they require you to memorize facts and formulas, and know how to put them into action. These tips can help you do your best on math tests.
Write Formulas
If your math test demands that you memorize formulas, write out all the necessary formulas on the exam as soon as it begins. Then, you won’t have to try to recall formulas later in the exam. You can go back and reference the appropriate formula when you need it.
Show Your Work
Always show your work. Sometimes numbers get jumbled, you can make an error right at the end of the problem, or make a mistake like forgetting a decimal. Showing your work will demonstrate that you knew the processes involved with the problems and teachers may give you partial credit. If you simply write down a number and it is wrong, your teacher will have no idea how you arrived at that number.
Check Your Answers
Check your work if you have time at the end of the exam. Go back and make sure every problem has the correct number of zeros. Look for missing negative signs. Make sure everything is labeled with the correct units. These little mistakes can add up, impacting your score, even though you understood the concepts being tested.
Multiple Choice
If the exam is multiple choice, you can use elimination to arrive at an answer. Before you look at the choices, try to come up with an estimate. A choice that is close to your estimate is likely to be the correct answer. You can also use the numbers to plug them into a problem and work backwards to arrive at an answer.
One of the best ways to do well on a math exam is to study. Memorize formulas. Do practice problems to make sure you know how to use the formulas and in what situations you should use them. Work slowly, show your work, and look for minor errors that could cost big points. With a little time and practice you can perform well on all of your math exams.