
As students prepare for the SAT, they develop of wealth of resources and knowledge that they hold in their mental toolbox. They can pull these tools out to help them preform well on the SAT. The more practice they have using these tools, the more helpful they will be on exam day. Here are two tools that are essential for top performance.


  • Comprehension


Reading comprehension is a specific section on the exam, but it is also essential for performing well on every part of the exam. Reading passages and word problems are a significant part of each section. If a student struggles with reading comprehension, it will impact their entire score. Not only do students need to be good at reading comprehension, but they also need to do it quickly to keep up with the time clock. Practice reading all different kinds of material is the best way to improve reading comprehension. Sharing the material is also a great way to ensure that that the material was not only read, but understood. As a parent, you can ask specific questions about the novel, magazine article, or newspaper your child was reading. Help them translate into words key takeaways or new ideas. Go to the library to expand your exposure to different types of materials. You can find periodicals, scientific journals, non-fiction, classic literature, poetry, and more. Be sure to expose your child to a wide variety of styles and time periods to challenge their comprehension capabilities.

2) Positivity

It is possible for your child to know every single piece of material covered on the exam, but if they don’t believe they can do well, they are not likely to. Along with anxiety comes negative self talk. Phrases like “I’m not fast enough,” or, “I can’t do it” can run through your child’s mind and hinder their performance. A positive attitude can be one of the most helpful tools on exam day. Your child should develop the ability to block out negative thoughts and remain positive throughout the exam. When you have created a positive working environment for them, this will be easy for them to do on exam day.

Fill the Toolbox

Taking the SAT takes both knowledge and mental stamina. The more your child works on preparing for all aspects of the exam, the easier it will be to focus and perform on exam day. Help fill your child’s toolbox with all the helpful tools they need to achieve their goal scores.