menlo-park-act-sat-test-prep-tutoring-services-copy-3No two students are the same. Every student has different skills and abilities, strengths and weaknesses. As a student prepares for the SAT, they will encounter different problems, have unique questions and develop individual study habits. The best way to help a student prepare for the SAT and hone their individuals skill is to have one on one interaction.

Different From The Classroom

Most mainstream test prep courses meet in large classrooms and offer lecture style tutoring. This may prevent a student from asking a question or getting help in a particular problem area. At Mr. Test Prep we meet with students individually during their session. This gives students a chance to ask questions that pertain to their particular test preparation. It also gives us a a chance to give important tips for helping with trouble subjects.

Learning Styles

One on one interactions allows us to customize the time to a student’s individual style of learning. Do they need to talk through a problem, see a picture or diagram or practice a concept on paper? One on one time can cater to a student’s learning style, whether it is auditory, visual or kinetic.

Building Confidence

Individual tutoring also allows time for much needed encouragement. Having time to give explicit examples of a student’s success is invaluable for boosting confidence. When a student believes they can excel on the SAT because they have concrete examples of doing well, they will perform better on the exam.

Relieving Stress

Stress and anxiety can also be addressed during individual tutoring. A student may feel more comfortable talking about stress and anxiety one on one than in a large group setting. A tutor can offer customized tips to help students overcome stress and test anxiety.

The Right Tools

Doing well on the SAT is not just about knowing information. It is about feeling confident, having a thorough understanding of the exam and having tools to prepare well. A large classroom setting may not be able to equip students with all the tools they need to excel on the SAT. One on one tutoring can offer the encouragement, individualized troubleshooting, study methods and anxiety relief that students need to do their best on the SAT.


More About Mr. Test Prep’s Menlo Park ACT SAT test prep tutoring Services


Since 1997, Mr. Test Prep has run the #1 Menlo Park SAT Prep program. By combining the benefits of private SAT instruction with the strengths of a group testing environment, Mr. Test Prep offers the best of both worlds: one-on-one attention, experienced academic counseling, group testing and a personal bond. By hosting this in a semi-group environment, Mr. Test Prep prepares his students for a real-world test experience. High school students who use his Menlo Park SAT Prep services will be equipped with the tools they need to succeed in the highly competitive world of standardized testing.