



Our last post discussed why you need to beat senioritis, but when you are afflicted with a tough case of senioritis, you may be wondering how you can beat it. These five tips can help you overcome senioritis and stay on track all the way through graduation.




1) Celebrate


You’ve worked hard to get where you are. Did you get accepted to college, earn a scholarship, go to a state tournament? There are a lot of big accomplishments that happen your senior year. Take time to celebrate your accomplishments and savor all of the hard work that you put in. When you quickly move on to the next task without enjoying what you have accomplished, it can be easy to loose your motivation.

2) Sleep

You may be exhausted from studying for exams or writing college essays, now is the time to catch up on sleep. Go to bed a few minutes earlier or find time to nap. You will find yourself feeling healthier, physically and mentally and ready to tackle the last few months of school.

3) Plan

Continue to keep track of your tests and project due dates. Know when you need to get to work and when you can let up a little and relax. Studying ahead of time can reduce your stress level and you won’t feel the need to give in to senioritis.

4) Balance

Balance studying with spending time with friends and family and participating in extracurriculars. The minute you let one take over, senioritis can set in. It is important to hang out with friends and still manage to maintain your GPA. This ability to balance your social life and your academic career will be beneficial in every stage of life. Let yourself enjoy the last bits of high school without letting up on your responsibilities.  

5) Manage Your Stress

Senioritis is likely to kick in because you have been pushing yourself to the limit for so long. Feeling stressed for an extended period of time can take its toll. Instead of withdrawing from school, learn healthy ways to relieve your stress. Start exercising, eat healthier foods, talk with an adult you can trust and take breaks to relax. When you can manage your stress well, you won’t feel like you need to give up on school.

Everyone has moments of senioritis, you have worked hard and are entitled to them. However, don’t let senioritis take over. Find strategies to stay motivated so that you can finish high school strong.


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