How To Send Your SAT Scores To Colleges


Sending your SAT scores to the colleges you will be applying to can be a bit nerve racking. You will have to make a few decisions before you even see your scores. Here is how the system works so that you can decide where your scores will go and when.

Free Scores

The College Board allows you to choose four colleges to send your scores to for free. You can select these colleges when you register for the exam. If you need more time to think about, they can be selected or modified up until nines days after you have taken the exam. Even if you are unsure if you will apply to all four schools, go ahead and send the scores. It is free and it will only be helpful if you decide to apply. The only negative side to this approach is that you will not get to see your score before the college receives it. If you do very poorly, the college will see those scores. Most colleges profess to only take your top scores into consideration, so while it is a concern, it shouldn’t hurt your chances of admission if you score better on a later exam.

Sending All of the Scores

In addition, some schools practice super scoring. This is the practice of taking the top scores from each section on any exam you’ve taken and creating a score that is the highest of all total exams. You will want institutions that super score to have all of the exams you have taken. Even if your score is quite low on the first try, you may have done better in the math section than you did on an exam with a higher score. Read admissions requirements carefully to all of the colleges you are interested in to determine where to send your scores.

Additional Scores

If you weren’t sure, missed the deadline, or want to send your scores to more than four schools, you still can. The College Board will charge you $12 for each additional score you send. You can request as many as you like. Try to request scores with plenty of time before application deadlines. Should you need to expedite the order it will cost you $31 on top of the $12.

Make Your Plan

Ultimately, you should have your college application plan in mind before you take the SAT. You can send scores for free and know that they will be at the college long before admission deadlines. There is wiggle room to change your mind, so you don’t need to agonize over decisions. Make your best guess as to where you will apply and change accordingly as you need to.


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