Throughout high school you will have to write plenty of essays for class, college admissions, scholarship applications, and entrance exams. Being able to write an excellent essay can help you achieve your goals and will continue to help you throughout higher education. The ability to write the perfect essay will serve you well throughout your life. Here are four tips that will help you write an amazing essay.


  • Organize Your Thoughts


A simple outline can be the difference between an essay that is organized and concise and an essay that is unconnected and difficult to follow. Writing out your main points and their supporting facts or arguments will help ensure that all of the material relates to and supports your thesis. Writing will flow faster and you will have clear sense of how each paragraph will connect when you make an outline before you begin your essay.


  • Develop a Clear Thesis Statement


Your thesis statement is your main point. Everything you write in your essay should connect to your thesis statement in some way. Make sure that it is clear and succinct. You want your reader to know exactly what claim you are making or what specific topic you are addressing.  


  • Write an introduction and conclusion


Your introduction should grab the reader’s attention and entice them into reading more. It should also include your thesis statement so that the reader knows exactly where the essay is headed. You may want to use surprising facts, an engaging story or pose a profound question to get your essay started.

Don’t let your essay drop off, always end with a conclusion. Your conclusion should restate your main points and direct the reader back to the thesis. Don’t say things in exactly the same way, but offer an overview that blends the entire essay together.


  • Revise


Glaring grammar mistakes, typos, and spelling errors will distract readers even from the best essays. Take time to look over your work and look for mistakes you may have missed. It can help to read the essay out loud so that you slow down and hear each statement in a new way. It is also wise to step away from your work for an hour or even a day and then read it again. It is likely you will find more errors after a break, than when your brain has been reading the same words repeatedly.

These four tips can help you write a well organized and interesting essay. If you are having trouble writing don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many schools offer free writing workshops and many teachers are also willing to offer help and advice.

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