
“I got this!” We all say from time to time. It is great to have confidence in your own abilities, but it is also important to recognize when you need help. If you attempt to tackle the SAT on your own, you may encounter some major road blocks. As you prepare for the SAT, build a team of people so that you don’t have to go it alone. Together you can say, “we got this!”

You Need Support

It is easy to get discourage, feel behind, or give up on appropriately prioritizing your time. Your parents and friends can offer encouragement. When you tell your parents your goals they can help you stay on task and work to achieve your test prep goals. You need someone to tell you both, “Good job!” and, “Get to work!” Your parents and other supporters will be some of the most valuable people on your test prep team.

You Are Not an SAT Expert

You are an expert on the material tested on the exam, but you are not an expert on the exam itself. The SAT can present questions in unfamiliar ways, pressure you with time, and demand hours of focused attention. An expert is familiar with the ins and outs of the test and knows how to overcome these challenges. An expert can give you time tested tools that will help you excel on this particular exam. A test prep tutor such as Mr. Test Prep is a helpful member of your team.

You Need to Learn

When you study alone, it can be easy to focus on the subjects that already come naturally. It is fun to get practice questions right and it doesn’t demand focus or diligence when you are working on material that you already know. When you study with a group they can keep you accountable so that you study all areas. A group can help you tackle problem spots. Friends can help explain concepts in a new light and you can learn more when you help your friends address their trouble spots. Working with a group can keep you on task and learning new material.  

You will perform better if you work with a team of people to accomplish your goals. You have so many resources all around, don’t be afraid to use them. Both your and your team will benefit when you work together to study for the SAT.

San Jose ACT SAT test prep tutoring

Students generally dread test prep classes. They’re boring, difficult and pointless, or so most kids think. But they’re also necessary… Recognizing this, Mr. Test Prep has created a new approach to SAT/ACT tutoring that gets the job done without all the pain and frustration of traditional programs. Rather than depleting the finite well of motivation your student will need to get you through senior year, come to Mr. Test Prep for the most painless—dare I say fun?—SAT Prep in the San Jose area. Specializing in the psychology of test taking, as well as the academic practices required to succeed, the lessons learned at our San Jose SAT Prep center will empower your student both on Test Day and in their future academic endeavors.