As a parent, you want to do what is best for your child. You have been involved in their education, attended concerts and sports tournaments and done everything you can to help your child excel. But now you are considering hiring a tutor, does this mean you’re not a hands on parent?


First, think about what is best for your student. You are not an expert in every subject. It is likely that there is someone who is an excellent educator and very knowledgable in the applicable subject areas. A tutor can offer their expertise in a way that is significantly helpful to your child.

Open Communication

It may also be easier for your child to communicate their struggles to their tutor. They may feel embarrassed or afraid to disappoint their parents if they are not succeeding in their coursework. A tutor may be the right neutral party that can listen to your child and be sure their needs are being met. A tutor can open lines of communication between you and your child.

Less Resistance

You child may also be more willing to take advice from a tutor than from a parent. Often, to a child, it may feel like a parent is nagging to help them stay organized or meet deadlines. A tutor may offer the same kinds of advice, but be met with less resistance.

Quality Time

A tutor does not mean you are avoiding your duties. Hiring a tutor means you are looking out for your child’s best interests. You are giving them all of the resources they need to achieve their goals. You cannot be expected to be an expert at everything. According to Hands on as We Grow, hands on simply means spending quality time with your child. You can offer your child help with homework, a listening ear, or encouragement. You may even have time to do more fun educational activities with your child, such as visiting a museum or going for hikes. Hiring a tutor might be one of the most hands-on thing you do to help your child.


San Jose ACT SAT test prep tutoring

By marrying the best of private instruction with the best of group practice, Mr. Test Prep’s San Jose SAT Prep program supplies students with the resources they need to succeed. Having served San Jose’s SAT Prep needs for the last 18 years, Michael Romano is uniquely qualified to instruct students on the content of the test and advise parents about how best to plan the SAT/ACT season. To learn more, book a Free Diagnostic Session today