san-jose-act-sat-test-prep-tutoringMr. Test Prep offers a different approach to tutoring. Many of the mainstream tutoring programs are set in a large classroom, teach in a lecture style and require homework. Mr. Test Prep uses practice tests, one on one interactions and doesn’t require homework. Ultimately, Mr. Test Prep’s methods seek to boost confidence so that your child will feel prepared when it is time to take their exam.

Immediate Feedback

Edutopia suggests employing immediate feedback and allowing students to talk through the information they are learning to boost confidence. This method allows students to work through concepts as they encounter them and helps them express frustrations. Mr. Test Prep addresses problem areas in a one on one setting with students as they arise. Each student has an opportunity to work through some of their most difficult subjects in a comfortable setting, giving them confidence that they can conquer even the most challenging material.

Practice Testing

Practice testing helps your child feel comfortable with the exam. When they know exactly what to expect they can feel confident that they can answer the questions in the given amount of time. Mr. Test Prep simulates actual timed exam conditions so that the real exam doesn’t feel intimidating to students.

No Homework

Many mainstream test prep services offer score guarantees contingent on the completion of homework. Many students don’t have time to add more homework into their busy schedules. They begin to lose confidence when they show up to class week after week having failed to do required homework. Rather than feel better about taking the test, these students can begin to feel more overwhelmed and anxious about the exam. Mr. Test Prep works to improve your child’s score without demanding homework. Students can boost their confidence as they watch their scores improve rather than feel like they are falling behind.

Individual Strengths

Mainstream test tutoring is often based on larger classes and a methodology that is applied to all students regardless of their learning styles and capabilities. Mr. Test Prep works with students to develop individual goals and works to develop test taking strategies that play to each individual’s strengths. A student that attends Mr. Test Prep courses will have the confidence they need to perform well on significant exams.


San Jose ACT SAT test prep tutoring

By marrying the best of private instruction with the best of group practice, Mr. Test Prep’s San Jose SAT Prep program supplies students with the resources they need to succeed. Having served San Jose’s SAT Prep needs for the last 18 years, Michael Romano is uniquely qualified to instruct students on the content of the test and advise parents about how best to plan the SAT/ACT season. To learn more, book a Free Diagnostic Session today