
SAT is time is a stressful time. The months and weeks leading up to the exam can be filled with anxiety and stress, or they can be filled with confidence and excitement. These three techniques can help you tackle SAT time and enable you to approach the test day calmly and confidently.




1)Plan To Studying

You may take the, “I’ll get to it when I have time” approach. However, course work, sports, jobs, and friends will almost always take over all of your time. Instead, plan out a few minutes everyday for focused study. If you wait until you have time, you may wait until the day before the exam. Nothing increases your stress and fills you with anxiety like an all night cram session. A little planning and discipline can save you from an all-nighter.

2) Visualize Success

Many athletes use visualization to imagine their competitions and success. The same processes can be used to visualize success in the academic arena. An article from the Huffington Post cites research that used brain imagery to discover that visualizing can actually create new neural pathways and memories. That means your brain will remember what you visualized and act similarly when you are doing the real thing.

Visualize taking the exam; what the room looks like, and how the test appears. Imagine reacting calmly when you hear a distracting noise. Imagine the pace at which you will answer each question. Picture confidently bubbling in answers and visualize your goal score.

Spending time imagining that your are calm and confident while taking the test should train your brain to remain calm and confident during the actual exam.

3) Sleep

Your body functions best when it is well rested. Sleep can improve focus and concentration, improve memory and even reduce stress. Don’t let this important activity for optimum health become neglected. Prioritize your time so that sleep is an important part of your to-do list. You will stay physically healthier and mentally sharper. The more you can stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on the weekends, the easier it will be to fall asleep and stay asleep. Healthy sleep habits can help you sleep well even if you are feeling stressed about an exam.

Stay Proactive

The more proactive you  are during SAT time, the less likely you are to suffer from stress and anxiety. Remember that you are in control of your time, your studying and even your health and well being. Put in the extra effort it takes to stay well and achieve the confidence you need to excel on the exam.

San Francisco ACT SAT test prep tutoring

Mr. Test Prep gives his students the deep learning skills they need to perform well on a lifetime worth of tests. At his San Francisco SAT Prep center, he helps his students overcome years worth of bad mental habits and poor confidence so they’re ready to take on the test and reach their maximum score potential. With a combination of one-on-one tutoring and group testing, Mr. Test Prep offers the best of both worlds: experience with the conditions of the test and focused, student-specific instruction.