It can be overwhelming to get ready for a big exam or multiple exams. Preparation and study will help reduce anxiety and boost your confidence. These study tips will keep you on track and achieving your goals.

Set a Reminder

To perform well on an exam, you have to review and study just a little bit every day. Set a reminder on your phone to prompt you to study. Whenever the timer goes off, stop what you are doing and study. Even if you are only looking over your notes for fifteen minutes, this little bit of daily prep can prevent the stress of having to cram for a test. With a reminder set, you won’t forget or avoid your daily review.

Use Practice Materials

If you have practice materials, use them. Both the ACT and SAT offer free practice exams and sample questions. Teachers also often hand out practice materials before an exam. Using these materials will help you get a feel for the types of questions being asked and all the material being covered. Using practice materials can also help reduce anxiety by eliminating fear of the unknown.

Stay Focused

Staying focused for a chunk of time, about 90 minutes, will help you develop your mental stamina. It will also allow you to study more productively. Studying a single topic and not bouncing back and forth between your phone and your work will keep your brain from switching back and forth between tasks. Multitasking takes up considerable mental resources. When you stay focused, without distractions, you can learn more, faster.

Bring Snacks and Drinks

Getting up to get food and drinks will interrupt your studies. Before you start, make sure you have something to munch on. Try to avoid sugary foods. Chips and guacamole, cereal and milk, berries and yogurt, and trail mix are all great brain foods that can keep your energy up. Sometimes caffeine can give you a jolt of energy, but try to avoid sugary sodas and opt for coffee or tea instead. Be sure you are also drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. It will be easier to focus and concentrated when you are comfortably hydrated.

Productive Study

Diligent study will help you perform well on the test. Use these test study tips to allocate time wisely, and study efficiently and productively.


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