Palo Alto ACT SAT test prep tutoringThe 11th grade is a pivotal year for preparing to go to college. You will not apply to college your junior

year, but many of the things you do during this year will significantly impact your college application. Here

are some things you need to do during the 11th grade so that you are ready for college.

1) Take the PSAT

This exam is not required for entrance into college. However, you can get a scholarship based on your

score. The Federal Student Aid website points out that you must take this exam during your junior year in

order to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program.

2) Prepare for the SAT or ACT

The sooner you can begin taking these exams, the more opportunities you will have to get a better score

before you need to apply for college. Most students take these exams during the fall or spring of their

junior year. This allows at least one more opportunity to take the exam before you will begin applying to

colleges. You don’t need to rush it though, if you don’t feel prepared, take the test in the spring instead of

the fall.

3) Take Advanced Courses

Colleges like to see that you have challenged yourself. You don’t have to take advanced or AP courses in

every subject, but choose a few that interest you. You can also take SAT subject tests as you complete

courses in related material. This will cut back on the amount of time needed to review and prepare for the


4) Delve Into Extracurriculars

Instead of adding more extracurriculars, find a way to excel at the clubs, sports or organizations you are

already involved in. Colleges prefer quality over quantity and want to see that you have demonstrated

commitment, leadership, and improvement in your extracurriculars. My College Options, suggests

seeking out a leadership role in an extracurricular during the 11th grade.

5) Start Narrowing Your Options

Do research on colleges and careers that interest you. Seek out alumni to talk to. Find a professional to

discuss a career that interests you. Plan college visits. Start making a list of colleges that interest you and

discover what your best options are. Don’t forget to look into financial options such as scholarships,

grants and student loans.

The more you prepare during your junior year, the less stressful applying to colleges will be during your

senior year. The grades you earn, exam scores you receive, and the outside activities you pursue will

help you achieve entrance into the university of your choice.


Palo Alto ACT SAT test prep tutoring

With over 18 years of experience, Mr. Test Prep operates the premier Palo Alto SAT test prep program. By combining one-on-one SAT tutoring with free SAT practice tests, Mr. Test Prep offers the benefits of private SAT tutoring (focused attention, tailored instruction, a human connection) in a group environment, which prepares the student for the SAT test experience. Students who attend his Palo Alto SAT Test Prep program will see their hard work and dedication reflected in significant score increases. Call Mr. Test Prep today and get prepared!