
If you have been investing plenty of time into studying, but still can’t retain important facts or perform well on exams, it may help to know your learning style. There are three learning styles; auditory, visual, and kinetic. Most people are some combination of these three learning styles, but lean heavily towards one. Auditory learners generally do better with lectures and listening, visual learners thrive on charts and diagrams, and kinetic learners require movement. They all have advantages and disadvantages, and knowing your style can help you focus your studies in a way that helps you learn and remember with more ease.

Online Study Test

You can discover your style by taking a quick test. There are several online resources that provide evaluations. They also provide study tips so that you can perform better according to your predominant learning style. Answer the questions honestly and you will arrive at the study style you learn with best.

Education Planner offers a short test that evaluates you and provides immediate feedback. It gives a percentage of each learning style so that you can see how strongly you lean toward each particular style. If you are very close on auditory and visual, for example, it is worth it to incorporate suggestions for both styles into your study habits.

HowtoStudy.com provides 30 questions to help determine your learning style. The questions are statements that you think describe you or don’t describe you. At the end you are given a single learning style. You may want to glance at the other learning styles to be sure there aren’t other tendencies in your learning styles as well.

Effective Study

Studying is more effective when you can use methods that engage your unique brain. Everyone learns differently, but taking an evaluation about your learning style can help you discover where to start and how to focus your studies. Get smart study tips for efficient and effective study with these two evaluations.

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