
Bad study habits can creep into your study time when you are not paying attention. These bad habits can bog down your study time, making you less productive. You may even have a difficult time recalling information on an exam if you have these bad study habits.



Studying With Distraction

There are so many things that demand our attention. Phones, TVs, and computers can all be distractions while you study. Often phones or computers can be helpful study tools, but other apps begin to demand your attention. While you may think you can multitask, studies show our brain doesn’t function as well when it has to rapidly shift between tasks. If you can, hand over your computer or phone to a parent or friend while you study. If you need those tools to study, there are apps that you can use to lock yourself out of social media sites. At the very least, turn off your notifications so that you don’t hear a ding and feel like you are missing out.

Studying Without Direction

Make a plan for your study. When you meander through chapters, homework, and notes without direction, you aren’t likely to remember much of what you have studied. Review your notes regularly so that study before the exam is a quick review, not a time to relearn all of the material. When you have a directed plan for your study time, you are likely to accomplish more.

Studying Without Engagement

Rereading notes or texts feels helpful, but often, it does nothing to shore up the material in your mind. Instead of simple reading, write summaries, craft practice questions, and create outlines. When you engage with the material in a deeper way, it is more likely to stick with you. If you are just reading, you may not realize that you didn’t understand the material enough to demonstrate your knowledge.

Study Productively

Don’t fall prey to these bad study habits. Taking a little time now to study the right way can help you save hours of time in the future. Make your study more productive by eliminating these tempting study habits.


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