To start on your study guide, organize your course materials. Gather your syllabus, texts, notes, homework, and any other materials you may have been given. Your course syllabus is your best tool for creating a study guide to help you prepare for finals. It should contain course objectives, so that you know exactly what your teacher was hoping you would learn. Make sure that you understand the concepts that are specifically mentioned in your syllabus because they are the most likely to be on the final exam.

Review Your Notes

Next, walk through your notes. Pull out main points and key concepts. Then, create bullets that connect the relating material. Highlight specific facts, dates, equations, or other material that you need to work to memorize.

Include Reading Assignments and Homework

Look at your syllabus to recall any reading assignments or homework. Skim chapters and plug in information where it fits with the key points and concepts you pulled out of your notes. If there are helpful practice problems or examples, include those in your study guide.

Practice Problems

Make up practice problems. One of the best ways to ensure that you have thoroughly learned material is to make your own questions. Ask questions that require you to demonstrate your knowledge. Don’t go easy on yourself.


Once you have a study guide, try it out on friends. A study group is the best way to determine whether or not you have included all of the necessary information. Ask you friends to try out your practice problems. They can tell you if they make sense. They can also offer any information you may have missed.

Comprehensive Study

The act of creating a study guide is an ideal way to study. It demands that you wade through all of the course material, picking out the most important information and making significant connections. Once you have created the study guide, use it to focus your studies. Go over it several times and make sure you have memorized the key concepts. A study guide will keep your studies on track and help you ace your exam.

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