
Sleep is essential for learning and memory function. Scientists believe that not only does sleep play a role in staying focused and acquiring information during waking hours, but it also consolidates memories in the brain. While sleep is essential for learning and health, you also have a busy schedule to balance. You may have to sacrifice some sleep to accomplish all of your goals. So how much sleep do you need to perform well, so that you can prioritize?
Suggested Sleep Guidelines
The National Sleep Foundation provides guidelines for suggested amounts of sleep. These suggestions provide a range of hours and vary according age group. Research suggests that ages 13-18 should get 8-10 hours of sleep every night.
Individual Needs
Keep in mind that everyone has individual sleep needs. Some teenagers will only need eight hours to feel rested and focused, while others will need the full ten. Pay attention to your body to discover your needs. If you are feeling sleepy during class or require several cups of coffee or soda to get through your day, you probably aren’t getting enough sleep.
Sleep Before Important Events
An article from Harvard suggests that you need sleep to help you respond well to new situations. You also need sleep for focus and memory recall. This means in the nights leading up to a big event, such as the SAT or ACT you need to get plenty of sleep to perform your best. Sleep will provide the mental stamina you need to focus for the lengthy exam and the quick response time required for the fast pace.
Plan Ahead
This means do not cram or pull all-nighters before the exam. If you are going to sacrifice sleep for extra studying, plan ahead. Loose sleep several weeks or months before the exam to get in more study time. Then, you will have the time you need to catch up and feel well rested when it comes to exam time.
More Than Average
Nationwide Children’s Hospital informs that average teenagers only get 7-7.25 hours of sleep a night. This is not enough sleep for a teenager to perform to the best of their ability. Work out your schedule and create a healthy bedtime routine so that you can get enough sleep to stay focused, learn, and recall information.

Mountain View, CA ACT SAT test prep tutoring

Mr. Test Prep has been a part of the Mountain View, CA SAT Prep community for nearly 20 years. His experience working with students—from math wizzes to numberphobes, from novelists-in-training to kids who hate to read—has shown him that improving test results first requires improving a student’s confidence. To directly address this important facet of SAT prep, his tutoring program exposes students to the conditions of the test, while training them in subject-specific skills and teaching them testing strategies that can make the test much easier.