There is no one-size-fits-all formula for all elementary students to achieve perfect grades on a test. However, you can start helping your child develop great study habits even in elementary school. The more you encourage your child to have excellent study habits, the easier it will be for them to study as they get into high school and college.

Daily Review

Studying for a few minutes everyday is much easier for kids and helps solidify information better than long sessions of studying right before a test. Help your student carve out 10-15 minutes every night to review the information they are learning. Talk through their subjects and the new information they learned that day. This can include reviewing homework.

Active Play

Encourage active play. Most kids will want to burn off a little energy after school. Allow your child time to play outside. If the weather isn’t nice, put on some music to dance to, stop by the local indoor pool, or find an open gym time. Active movement will help your child get the wiggles out and they will be more willing to focus on their studies. In addition, the active movement can stimulate their brain. As your child grows, the practice of exercising will help reduce stress. As important as academics are, kids also learn through play and movement. Don’t sacrifice play time for too much studying.

Support Without Anxiety suggests supporting your child, making sure they get good meals and enough sleep before a test, while not making too much fuss over a test. Making a big deal out of a test may add to your child’s anxiety. Treat the test as though it is a normal part of everyday life.

Focus on Trouble Spots

In elementary school, your student’s exams should test the concepts they have learned in class. A daily review for a few minutes should alert you to any difficulties they are having. If they are having trouble with a particular topic, you can spend more focused time on that area, ask the teacher for help, or even hire a tutor. Elementary students shouldn’t need to spend hours and hours studying to prepare for an exam.