
Science has discovered a lot about how the brain works. There are new studies all the time about memory, recall, and brain function. While everyone may have different study strategies, there are a few surefire strategies that are backed by science to help you succeed.


Exercise before you study. An article from the New York Times sites research that found the brains of mice physically changed and were more able to complete complex tasks if they had exercised. The exercise actually helps form neural pathways. Scientists believe similar benefits of exercise transfer to humans. Not only does exercise help your body function well, but it also benefits the brain and helps you perform better cognitively.

Move Your Location

Don’t study in the same place everyday. If you usually study in a quiet room, head out for a study session in a noisy coffee shop. Study in the library, then study outside. Open Colleges sites research that found subjects that took a test in conditions that matched their study environment were more likely to recall the material. If you study in many different environments, your brain is more likely to be able to recall the information in any given situation. It has made connections with many places, sounds, and even smells. Studying in a quiet room at a desk gives your brain only one association with the material.

Don’t Multitask

You may think you can listen to a lecture while you read through your notes, but Psychology Today points out that you are not doing two things at once. Instead, you are rapidly switching back and forth between the two. This is an inefficient use of time. You are less likely to remember what you did and more likely to make mistakes in the tasks you are performing. You will study much more productively if you pick one subject, study it thoroughly and then move on to the next task.

Study Smart

When you study smart, you will be able to learn more material, faster. Productivity and efficiency are keys to success. Try these three strategies to improve your memory and recall so that you will achieve your academic goals.


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