
When you make it easy to study, you will spend more time doing it. More time studying leads to more confidence when it comes to exams. These three hacks will make studying easy so that you will do it regularly, before the exam.




1) Your Phone is a Tool

Use your phone as a tool rather than a distraction. One of the most helpful apps for getting ready for the SAT is a daily practice question app. This app will send you one practice question every day. You can spend just a few moments working through the question. As you complete these questions, you will begin to see a pattern. You will see what types of questions you can breeze through easily and what types of questions are more challenging for you. Keep track of the subjects that you find more difficult, or require more time to complete. You can focus your studies on these challenging areas. Other apps such as flashcards or math skills practice make it easy and fun to take your studies with you wherever you go.


2) Study in Public Places

Don’t hide away in your room or a secluded corner in the library while you study. In these places you can get away with not actually studying. You may be tempted to sleep or browse social media instead. It can be easy to waste time when you are alone. Instead, study at the kitchen table, or a bustling coffee shop. This will help you develop skills for concentrating while there are distractions around you. This skill is beneficial for exams because most tests will have some distractions. If you can focus and study through distractions, you will have an easier time blocking out distracting things happening during the exam. It will also hold you accountable to do your work (people are watching) rather than goof around on the internet.


3) Study in Short Sessions

A big marathon study session isn’t necessary. You can study in bits and pieces. In fact, research shows that if you study for a short chunks regularly, you are more likely to retain the information than if you study for long session. This means you don’t have to cram, or pull all nighters to be a successful student


Simple and Easy

Keep exam prep simple and easy. Focus on your tough areas, study a little bit everyday, and use helpful tools to keep on track. With these habits you may even have fun preparing for your big exam.