The truth is your child doesn’t have to sit for the SAT. But they probably should, and you will need to encourage them. Any child, in the throes of stress and anguish, might ask their parent: “Why am I doing this?” The obvious answer is: “to get into college”, but your child will be looking for something more.

Because You Are Brilliant

Start of with an encouraging reply. You child is smart and they want to pursue a higher education. They are taking the SAT so that they can reach their goals and fulfill their dreams. Let your child know that they are already smart and that is why they are taking the SAT, they don’t have to become smarter to do well on it.

Because It Will Help You Grow

Becoming older, preparing for college, and moving out into the world requires growth. Preparing for the SAT will help your child develop important skills such as time management, prioritizing, coping with stress, dealing with competition, and maintaining healthy confidence. All of these skills are essential as they move through their career and life in general. The entire process of preparing for and taking the SAT will not only ensure that your child is ready for college, but also life outside of your home.

Because It Will Help Financially

Many students have a difficult time grasping just how expensive college is. Maybe you have not even talked with your child about how they will pay for their education. Now is a good time to sit down and talk about finances. Discuss how much their tuition will cost, and where that money will come from. Showing them these costs upfront will help your child understand the value of a scholarship. An excellent SAT score can earn significant scholarships. When your child has a good grasp of the importance of these scholarships, they may aim even higher for their SAT score.

Stay Positive

The most important thing to remember when your child complains, or asks why they have to take the SAT, is to stay positive. Your positivity will rub off on your child. A positive outlook will help your child do well and stay positive themselves about taking the test. You are your child’s best cheerleader and they will need you during this trying time. Do your best to encourage your child and be there for them.