
Navigating colleges finances can be extremely challenging. As a student, it is not likely that you’ve managed finances beyond a part-time job or paid for a large expense. College costs and financial aid can be complicated to understand and hard to envision how it will impact your future. Here are a few thing you need to know about grants to help you navigate college costs and financial planning.

Grants and Loans

The most important thing you need to know about college finances is that loans are not grants. You will be required to by back every dollar of a loan with interest. A grant is money that is given to you for the purposes of education. You will not have to pay back a grant. 


Apply for every grant or scholarship you are eligible for. Full-ride or even high dollar scholarships are very competitive and hard to win. Small scholarships can add up fast and be helpful, but you have to put in the work of filing out applications and searching out scholarships.


The FAFSA is the federal financial aid application. You should submit this form every year, no matter what your financial situation is. Even minor changes in your family’s financial situation can change how much you are eligible for in loans and grants. It will also enable you to take out a federal loan, which is almost always offers a lower interest rate than private loans.


An article from Forbes warns to watch out for a practice called front-loading. Colleges will offer large grants the first year to lure students in, then lower the grant amount in successive years, making the cost of college much higher than anticipated. Ask the college if the grant is offered every year or what the student needs to accomplish each year to receive the same award.   

Ask for More

Colleges want the best and brightest students and may be willing to offer more grant money to entice you to enroll. If the college of your choice doesn’t offer you as much grant money as you need, you can ask for more. They may give you what you need to make it possible to attend their institution. The worst they can say is no. 

Plan Ahead

Grants are one of the best ways to pay for college. Excelling in academics, pursuing leadership roles and investing in your community are all things you can do to show a college that you are worth pursuing. Student loans can also help you achieve your goals, just keep in mind that a future with student loans will include student loan payments. A little financial planning now will prevent you from being bogged down with debt when you graduate.