Whether you are paying to put yourself through college, or just need a little extra cash, most students will have to work while they are studying. Different jobs have plenty of pros and cons. For example, some jobs pay well but have a terrible schedule, others have a great location, but don’t pay as much. You will have to weigh out pros and cons as you apply for different jobs. Here are some of the best jobs to seek out while you are in school.

1) On Campus Job


On campus jobs are great because they are typically flexible enough to coordinate with your class schedule, and you don’t have to travel far to get there. In addition, campus jobs are a good way to meet professors and students to expand your professional network. Most students think of cafeteria work when they think about campus jobs, but don’t forget about libraries, campus guides, bookstores, mailrooms, and even research assistants. Depending on the size of your campus you could find a campus job in just about any area. These jobs can be competitive and many of them are reserved specifically for work study financial aid, so search early and often to find the perfect spot for you.

2) Orderly

Payscale suggests that an orderly is an excellent job for a person interested in a medical career. People willing to work night and weekend shifts are also in high demand, making an ideal schedule to work with your classes. If you want to get hands on experience in the medical world, and would like to get paid also, check in with your local hospital for opportunities.

3) Nanny

Watching kids can be fun and flexible and usually pays well. Find a family that needs kids picked up from school or dropped off at daycare. They typically need only a few hours of extra help a day, and might throw in some evenings and weekends. These can also materialize into full time jobs in the summer when you have more time. If you can find a nighttime gig, you will have plenty of extra time to study after bedtime.

4) Event Host

Campuses often have swanky events for donors, fundraisers, alumni, even special private events. Servers and hosts are in high demand for these events. It is a bit easier than restaurant work, because you don’t have to worry about taking orders. It is also more flexible, usually you just sign up for the events you can work and don’t have to worry about the ones that don’t fit into your schedule.

Search Carefully

If you are in college, you can find a job to help pay the bills. It may feel impossible to fit one more thing into your schedule, but if you search carefully you can find the ideal job for your needs and wants.


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