
Big tests can get your nerves going. You might feel like your heart is beating fast, or your palms get sweaty. You just can’t concentrate because you are so worried about the outcome. These four tools will help you take big, significant exams with out getting nervous.




  • Create a Mantra


A mantra is a word or phrase repeated over and over. If your mind starts to wonder and focus on negative outcomes, you can pull out your mantra. Repeat it to yourself to help relieve fears and recenter focus. A mantra can be very comforting. Something simple works best; “You can do this;” “I know this stuff;” “Rock this test;” are all examples of mantras you could use when feeling nervous about an exam.


  • Positive Self Talk


Don’t let negative thoughts sneak into to your head. Negative thoughts often lead to nerves and negative outcomes. In the days leading up to the exam practice telling yourself positive phrases. “This test will be fun;” “I know this material;” “I can do well on this test” are great, positive messages to give yourself.


  • Visualization


Visualization is a technique often used by athletes. They will visualize the field or stadium, their opponent, using specific strategies, and ultimately, their win. When visualizing your test you can picture the classroom, the people sitting around you, the questions on the paper, handing the test in, and your final score. This will help eliminate nerves that happen because of unknown outcomes. Visualizing being in the testing space and a positive outcome will help calm nerves about the the real test.


  • Prepare


Nothing beats being prepared when it comes to eliminating nerves. When you feel prepared, you feel confident. No questions can shake you. The outcome isn’t questionable. You know you will perform well. Your confidence will prevent nerves from taking over, and you will experience success.

Nerves can get in the way of exams, but they can also be conquered. Don’t let nerves overshadow your true skills and abilities. Use these tools to prepare emotionally, as well as mentally for your exams so that you can take your tests confidently.


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