While you are preparing for an exam like the SAT, it might be easy to wallow in stress and despair. It may feel like you are supposed to do that as a right of passage, but there are four good reasons to battle your stress and stave off discouragement.


  • Keep Relationships Healthy


When you are stressed and grumpy all of the time, it will tax relationships. Your friends will find it difficult to spend time with you. Your family may feel strained by having to cope with your stress. When you take care of yourself, you have more to give, emotionally, to your friends and family.


  • Stay Physically Healthy


Stress and anxiety can impact your physical well being. You may not be sleeping well and stress can make you vulnerable to colds and other minor illnesses.  Don’t let stress overwhelm your body so that you feel sick and tired on exam day. This could devastate your exam score.


  • Perform Better on the Test


When you are used to feeling overwhelmed by stress, test day anxiety has the potential to take over and negatively impact your score. When you have practice minimizing stress and negative thoughts, you will have the tools you need to think positive and quell stress and anxiety.


  • Valuable Practice for Life


Minimizing stress and discouragement is a skill that will be useful your entire life. While it may feel like the SAT or ACT is the most stressful thing you will ever encounter, there will be plenty of stressful moments ahead of you. Become proficient at managing your stress and maintaining a positive outlook, and you will be able to face those future stressful moments with ease. Cultivating healthy stress management now will help you grow into a healthy and well adjusted adult.

Find a routine that works for you for relieving stress. It may be yoga, mindful breathing, outdoor exercise, or talking with friends and family. Do activities that will make you feel good and boost your confidence. When you are physically and mentally healthy, you can perform your best.


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