Using a study routine in college will help you ace your exams. The more you plan ahead and use helpful study techniques, the easier your first exams will go. Try these six tips to help you excel in college:
1. Use Between Time
College is different from high school in that you may have big chunks of time between your classes. You may also have time between classes and work. Instead of making the trek back to your dorm or apartment, find a place on campus to squeeze in a few minutes of study. Look over your notes, make some flashcards or do some reading.
2. Make Your Own Flashcards
You may be able to buy flashcards, or download them on an app, but making your own is also part of the learning process. Buy a pack of index cards and make them the old fashioned way. It will improve your recall.
3. Review Notes Daily
Look over your notes while the information is fresh in your mind. You may catch errors or holes that would stump you when you return to study in a few weeks. Looking over your notes everyday will also help you memorize the information over time.
4. Join a Study Group
A study group is a great way to meet new friends and get help when you need it. Teaching and learning from other students is a great way to put the material into practice. It will also hold you accountable to study before the exam.
5. Use Active Reading Techniques
Don’t just read over the texts and expect to remember them. A highlighter isn’t even likely to help you study. Instead, write out an outline of what you read; make a summary of each chapter; draw a mind map of essential concepts; or look up words that stump you. These active reading techniques will help you recall the information, rather than mindlessly reading words on the page.
6. Go To The Library
Try not to study in your dorm room. It is easy to get distracted in this small living space. Find a quiet corner in the library where you can really focus. You will also feel more motivated to study because you want to get home. If the library is too quiet for you, try a coffee shop, or a corner of the student union.
Final thoughts – Develop a study routine
These six study tips can help you stay focused and on task throughout the semester so that you won’t have to panic and cram the night before an exam. Let these six tips help shape your study routine.