It is much easier for your brain to retain information when you study in short increments over a long
period of time, rather than in long cramming sessions immediately before an exam. You will perform
better on your SAT or ACT if you take time to study throughout the summer instead of cramming in the
fall, when you go back to school. Summer is also a great time to study when you have fewer obligations
for school and extracurriculars. Here are five ways to improve your study over the summer break.
The SAT and ACT both demand advanced reading comprehension skills. Reading a variety of materials
can help you develop your comprehension skills and expand your vocabulary. Choose a variety of fiction,
non-fiction, magazines, and newspapers. Spend time at the library to find materials you wouldn’t normally
have around the house.
Schedule A Few Minutes of Study a Day
An article from Time suggests setting aside a few minutes to answer at least one practice question
everyday. You may want to set a goal like doing one problem at breakfast every morning or doing 10
minutes of study before you turn on your TV or computer.
Get Together with Friends
Summer is full of social opportunities. Combine your social time with your study time. Get together with
your friends for some group study time. Reward yourselves by going to movie after you’ve put in a few
hours of study.
There are all kinds of opportunities to explore. Go to science museums, art museums, plays, galleries,
monuments and anything else you can find around your town or while you are on vacation. Experience is
the best way to learn new things and it’s fun.
Use TV Time Wisely
TV can be a great way to relax in the summer. It can also be a great way to learn. An article from Oxford
Royale Academy suggests using your TV time to learn something new. Find documentaries on topics that
interest you or watch film adaptations of literature you’ve read. Use TV to chill out and delve deeper into
new topics.
These five tips can make studying fun and easy over summer break. It’s not hard to get together with
friends or spend a few minutes a day doing a practice question. It is important that you are diligent. If you
don’t start right away, summer can quickly slip away before you’ve done any studying. Stick with it all
summer so you aren’t forced to start cramming when school starts in the fall.
More About Mr. Test Prep’s Menlo Park SAT Test Prep Services
Since 1997, Mr. Test Prep has run the #1 Menlo Park SAT Prep program. By combining the benefits of private SAT instruction with the strengths of a group testing environment, Mr. Test Prep offers the best of both worlds: one-on-one attention, experienced academic counseling, group testing and a personal bond. By hosting this in a semi-group environment, Mr. Test Prep prepares his students for a real-world test experience. High school students who use his Menlo Park SAT Prep services will be equipped with the tools they need to succeed in the highly competitive world of standardized testing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]