Everyone wants to get a superb SAT score. Not everyone is sure how to achieve it. These 7 tips will help you work your way to the SAT score you’ve been dreaming of.





  • Set a Goal


A lot of students set out wanting to do well on the SAT, but haven’t quantified what that means. Setting an end goal, based on your college application requirements, will help you put a number on what you are working towards. Visualizing your goal, and knowing your progress towards it when you practice will help you achieve that goal on exam day.


  • Work Everyday


Procrastination and cramming in the days approaching the exam will not result in an excellent score. Your brain will retain and recall more information when you have studied in smaller chunks, over a longer period of time. Set aside some time every day in the weeks approaching the exam to do a few practice questions, study grammar rules, or work on a math skill.


  • Focus


Find ways to focus for long periods of time. Reading is a great way to practice focus. The easier it is for you to focus in everyday life, the easier it will be to stay focused on the exam.


  • Practice Test


Taking practice exams will help you develop appropriate pacing, discover your week spots, and understand how to interpret the questions. You cannot know how close you are to achieving your goal score without taking timed practice exams.


  • Eliminate Mistakes


Once you have taken practice exams, comb through your mistakes. Analyze each one and see where you went wrong. You will make the same mistakes over and over again if you don’t take time to learn from them.


  • Banish Anxiety


Get rid of test day anxiety. Get exercise outdoors. Eat healthy meals. Practice deep breathing. Squashing stress in the days approaching the exam will help reduce anxiety on test day. When you have practiced anxiety relieving techniques, you will be able to employ them in a helpful way on exam day.


  • Build Confidence


Use positive self talk to remind yourself how prepared you are. Work to surround yourself with encouraging people. Cling to positive quotes. Know without a doubt that your are capable of an excellent SAT score.

Achieving your goal SAT score takes work. That work includes studying, practicing, and psychological preparation. Invest time and effort in learning critical thinking skills, as well as learning how to cope with stress and anxiety. Confidence an preparation will result in the SAT score you need to get into the colleges of your dreams.


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