
You have a lot to keep track of. Extracurriculars, sports, work, volunteering, and more can keep you very busy. How do you have any time left for studying? These five study habits will set you up for efficient and productive study so that you are not wasting what little time you have to devote to studying.




  • Organize Your Notes

Keeping your notes neat and organized can eliminate a lot stress as exam day approaches. If you have taken notes for class, write the date and topic at the top of the page. Then you can easily find the information you are looking for without sifting through piles and piles of notes. Look over your notes regularly and correct any words that you cannot read or clarify bullet points that don’t make sense. Your notes should help you, not confuse you. The more organized your notes are, the more efficiently you will study.

  • Handwrite Your Notes

When you want to have organized notes, it can be tempting just to type them as you go. However, studies have found that students are more likely to remember information they have handwritten. Handwriting your notes will cement material in your brain so that you don’t have to relearn it.

  • Teach It To a Friend

If you can teach material to someone else, you have thoroughly comprehended it. Find someone in your class that you can take turns with teaching the material out loud. You can discuss the topics and engage with the material. This social interaction not only helps you learn the material in a new way, but it also lowers stress and anxiety.

  • Take 5

Take five minutes any time of day, anywhere to study. Use an app on your phone, keep flashcards in your backpack, or keep a journal handy. When you are waiting for a ride, get to practice early, or have just a few minutes before you leave the house, you can study. Taking advantage of these small moments will help you have more time in the long run. You won’t need as many marathon study sessions because you will be gradually learning the material all the time.

  • Take Breaks

When you do sit down to study for longer segments, try to make it less than 90 minutes. After 90 minutes your brain begins to struggle to stay focused and often, your time is wasted. Study for 90 minutes, then take a walk, grab a snack, or call a friend. 

These five study habits can help you make the most of your time. When you study well you won’t have to spend excessive amounts of time studying. Take advantage of every moment and start out organized so that you don’t waste time.