
If you start this five step study guide long before you take the SAT you will have plenty of time to prepare and build your confidence before the day of the exam. The five steps are simple and straightforward, but will certainly set you on the right path to achieve your goal score.





Take a Timed Practice Exam


Even if you haven’t studied at all yet, taking a timed practice exam will give you a baseline to start out with. This first practice test will help you determine your pacing and whether or not your already excel in an area on the exam. Knowing these things before you start prepping will help you use your study time efficiently and productively.


  • Chart Out Your Trouble Spots


Did you have trouble answering all of the questions in time? Do you need to work on speed and accuracy on all the sections of the exam? What questions did you get wrong? Is there a pattern? These are all great questions to ask after you take your first practice exam. Diligently examine each error and find out what tripped you up. Then spend time studying the topics and types of questions that were problematic. Set aside time each week to spend specifically on these trouble spots.


  • Practice Question a Day


In addition to focusing on your trouble spots, solving an exam question every day will help you get a feel for the types of questions that are asked. The College Board offers a sample exam question every day. Take a few minutes to work out this question daily and you will build a library of knowledge that will be useful on the exam.


  • Take Another Timed Practice Exam


After you have spent some time studying, preparing, and improving your trouble spots, take another timed practice exam. Only time practice exams will help you develop pacing and help you get a feel for the real thing. In addition, you can see how you have improved after focused study. If you are not approaching goal scores after time preparing, you may need to get some outside help.


  • Get help


Starting your exam prep long before the exam will give you plenty of time to get help if you are not improving on your own. Mr. Test Prep can offer test taking strategies and build confidence, helping you achieve your goal scores.

Diligent study, time spent on practice exams, and knowing when to get help will launch you towards your goal SAT score. Use the five steps to start your exam prep.  


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