Studying can be challenging when you enjoy a subject, but it can be incredibly painful when you don’t like the subject. Use these four tips to help you study for a test when you don’t enjoy the subject.


  1. Create A Reward System

Rewards can help people get through even the most boring subjects. Set a goal for each study session, such as an amount of time, or certain number of problems or flash cards correct. Then, choose a motivating reward; twenty minutes on YouTube, skittles, or coffee with a friend. Don’t cheat, be sure to save your reward until the end of your study session. Having something to look forward to will help you get through it.

  1. Set A Timer

Sometimes it helps to stay focused when you know you don’t have to do it for very long. Even fifteen or twenty minutes of study a day will help you prepare for a test. Set a timer for a short amount of time and stay focused on the subject for that length of time. Then, you can take a break or move on to a different subject.


  1. Find a Buddy

Studying is always more fun with a friend. Studying with a partner will help you put time into the subject and make it more enjoyable. It’s even better if you find a partner that enjoys the subject. Some of their interest and enthusiasm for it might make it more fun for you.

  1. Talk To An Expert

Find someone to help you that really loves the subject. It could be a family member or friend that uses it in their job, or just an enthusiast, it could even be your teacher. An expert might help you understand why the material is so important and help you find an angle that makes it more interesting. Sometimes our dislike for a subject also comes from not understanding it well. An expert might be able to help you understand the material in a way that makes it easier to enjoy.

Try these four tips to make studying for a tough test more enjoyable. You don’t have to like every subject, but you can still perform well in every subject.