
After you have set your goals, you need to start accomplishing them. These four study tools can help you check academic goals off your list. 


Read everyday. Go above and beyond your assigned work and read novels, magazines, newspapers, and poetry. Choose a variety of types and styles of material. Reading for even just a few minutes everyday will increase your vocabulary, improve your comprehension and broaden your experience of the world. Reading will improve your writing for coursework and give you the foundation of knowledge you need to perform well on exams like the SAT. 

2) Online Tools

Online tools can help you learn your material with your computer or phone. Download apps so that you can study when you are on the go. If you have a few minutes before practice or you are waiting for a ride you can pull out your phone and go through a few flashcards. Quizlet is an excellent website and app for finding flashcards, quizzes and other study tools covering a vast amount of information.

3) Plan Study Time Early

It is common to plan big chunks of study time right before a big exam. While it may feel counterintuitive, you should plan your big chunks of study time as you are learning material and then block out shorter amounts of time to review before exams. The more you study initially, the more you will learn. If you plan to study early on, you won’t have to relearn material later and will need less time to review. Make a study plan in advance and plan to spend more time learning material and less time reviewing. 

4) Set Smaller Goals

That one big goal can feel overwhelming. You may not know where to start or how to track whether or not you are approaching your goals. Forbes suggest breaking your goal down into tiny goals. Set a small goal for each study session. For example, “I will master this formula,” or “I will memorize 10 vocabulary words.” Set out to accomplish a single task every time you sit down to study. Eventually those small tasks will add up to your big goal. 

The most important thing to do to accomplish your goal is to stick to it. Find a method that works for you and keep working until you can knock out your goal.