Our everyday activities demand that we switch our focus from one thing to another very quickly. It is challenging to stay engaged with a single subject or read an article thoroughly. However, if you have the ability to stay focused, you will be successful. Here are four meditation techniques that will help improve your attention span.




  • Deep Breathing

Focusing on your breath can help clear your mind of distractions and recenter your focus on the task at hand. It will help you take in more oxygen and rejuvenate your brain and muscles. Take a moment to breath in deeply and think about the air as it moves through your body. Now, exhale, emptying your lungs completely. Try to remove other thoughts from your mind except the air moving in and out of your body. Start doing this for five minutes a day, with supplemental times when you feel overwhelmed or distracted. As you get used to it, increase the amount of time you spend focused on breathing.


  • Stretching

Yoga is a type of stretching that also focuses on breathing. Often when you have something physical to do with your body, you can focus on that instead of busy thoughts in your mind. You can focus on how your muscles feel, the inhaling and exhaling and the strength it takes to hold specific positions. Like breathing, stretching can improve circulation as well as give you a specific practice for staying focused. Increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain can help improve your mental stamina for staying focused.


  • Walking

Sometimes people require movement to stay focused. USNews suggests a walking meditation. This doesn’t mean going for a walk and letting your mind wander. Focus your mind on what it takes to walk. Feel the movement of your foot and leg. Focus on how the pavement feels beneath your feet. Practice concentrating on the act of walking itself. This will help you focus. In addition to the meditation, the fresh air and natural setting can help you mentally reset.


  • Gratitude

An article from Harvard Health Publications sites several studies that have found gratitude improves overall mood and even health and well-being. Focusing on gratitude as mediation could improve your mood and increase concentration. Close your eyes and visualize the specific things you are grateful for. Spend time contemplating what the thing or person is like and what makes you feel especially grateful for it. Spend a few minutes doing this first thing in the morning everyday and you may see your attitude improve as well as your ability to focus.

These four practices can help you practice focus and concentration. They can also have physical effects that can relieve stress and improve health, which also may have the side effect of being able to concentrate more easily. Optimize your attention span with these four easy meditation practices.