san-jose-act-sat-test-prep-tutoringIt can be hard to ask for help, but finding a tutor for the SAT when you need one can make all the difference in your score. Here are 3 signs you need to seek out help.


1)Practice Test Scores Don’t Improve


If you have been taking practice tests, studying and practicing again and you don’t see any improvement, you may not be using the best study methods for you. When you don’t see a change in your score, your study time isn’t helping you. A tutor can help you develop the best study methods for your learning style and offer test taking tips that can improve your score.

2) Anxiety

Feelings of anxiety won’t go away on their own. To relieve anxiety you need to build up your confidence about your ability to do well on the test. Having a thorough understanding of what the test will be like can also help eliminate anxiety. An SAT tutor will offer tips for relieving anxiety on test day so that you can perform your best. The added benefit of feeling prepared and confident will also reduce stress and anxiety.

3) Trouble with Timed Test

It can be hard to force yourself to stay within the allotted time when you are practicing. However, the pressure of taking a timed test can be one of the most challenging aspects of the SAT. If you do not practice in a timed setting, you may be entering the test unprepared. Mr. Test Prep offers timed practice tests in a setting the emulates the setting of the real SAT. Not only will you learn to work under the pressure of time, but you will also learn how to stay focused in the face of distraction.

An SAT tutor that helps you feel confident about the SAT is a worthwhile investment. If you want to improve your score beyond what you can accomplish alone, don’t wait to get help until it is too late. Get in touch with Mr. Test Prep to see how our tutoring program can give you the tools you need to achieve the score you want.


San Jose ACT SAT test prep tutoring

By marrying the best of private instruction with the best of group practice, Mr. Test Prep’s San Jose SAT Prep program supplies students with the resources they need to succeed. Having served San Jose’s SAT Prep needs for the last 18 years, Michael Romano is uniquely qualified to instruct students on the content of the test and advise parents about how best to plan the SAT/ACT season. To learn more, book a Free Diagnostic Session today

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