4 Things You Shouldn’t Do The Night Before The Exam


If you want to be ready for the exam, there are a few things you shouldn’t do the night before. Help keep your stress level low and your confidence high by avoiding these four things the night before the exam.


1. Get Your Stuff Together

It is important to get your stuff together before the morning of the exam, but do it a few days in advance. Have your ID, your admission ticket, and all of the appropriate supplies according to the lists provided by the CollegeBoard and the ACT ready several days before the exam. This way, if you are missing something, you have time to correct the situation. Finding out the night before that you don’t have the right materials will sky rocket your stress and you might not have time to fix it before the exam.


2. Cram

The night before is not the time to prepare for the exam. You should have put in plenty of prep time before now. Set aside a little time to look over your notes, but don’t dwell on it. You are prepared and ready, find something relaxing to do instead of cramming.


3. Stay Up Late

If your relaxing thing is usually hanging out with friends, watching movies, or binging on Netflix shows, you should choose something different the night before the exam. Consider drinking a cup of tea, taking a hot bath or reading a chapter in a fun novel. Then go to bed. The more well rested you are, the easier it will be to focus and concentrate on the exam. Staying up late can impair your ability to think clearly and you don’t want to risk getting sleepy or distracted the day of the exam.


4. Panic

Stay calm. Panicking about whether or not you are ready for the exam won’t help you perform better on the exam. Confidence will help you succeed. Practice positive self talk. Remind yourself of all of the work you put in and know that you are aware of what the test is like. You know what you need to do to excel. Paste up positive notes on your mirror and on the bag you are planning to bring with you. If you start to panic practice deep breathing, visualizing success, or even do a few yoga poses to relax.


Final thoughts

You are in control of your night before the exam. You don’t have to feel added stress. When you plan ahead and practice healthy habits for managing stress and anxiety, the night before the exam can feel relaxing and positive.