

Your brain power has a direct impact on your academic success.

You probably already know this.

But do you know about the many simple ways you can make sure your brain is working at its best?


Here are 10 brain-boosting hacks for students:

1. Get enough sleep.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain can’t function at its best. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.


2. Eat a healthy diet.

Eating nutritious foods gives your brain the fuel it needs to function properly. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine and alcohol.


3. Exercise regularly.

Exercise is great for your overall health, including your brain health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.


4. Take breaks when studying.

It’s important to take breaks when studying to give your brain a chance to rest and recharge. Get up and move around every 20-30 minutes, or take a longer break every hour or two.


5. Use active learning strategies.

Passive learning, such as reading and re-reading notes, is not as effective as active learning strategies, such as creating flashcards, summarizing concepts in your own words, and teaching the material to someone else.


6. Get organized.

Having a cluttered and disorganized study space can be distracting and make it difficult to focus. Take some time to declutter and organize your study space so that you have a comfortable and productive place to work.


7. Manage stress.

Stress can impair cognitive function and make it difficult to learn and remember information. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature.


8. Reward yourself for your accomplishments.

Rewarding yourself for your accomplishments will help you stay motivated and on track. Choose rewards that you enjoy and that will help you relax and de-stress.


9. Surround yourself with positive people.

The people you spend time with can have a big impact on your mood and your overall well-being. Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals and make you feel good about yourself.


10. Believe in yourself.

Having a positive attitude is essential for success in any area of life, including academics. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.


Bonus tip: Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It has been shown to have a number of benefits for cognitive function, including improved attention, focus, and memory.


Here is a simple mindfulness exercise that you can try:

  • Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
  • Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Bring your attention to your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out.
  • When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath.
  • Continue this practice for 5-10 minutes.

You can also practice mindfulness throughout the day by paying attention to your surroundings and your thoughts and feelings without judgment. For example, when you are walking to class, notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. When you are studying, notice any thoughts or feelings that come up and acknowledge them without judgment.


Final Thoughts

By following one or all of these brain-boosting hacks, you can improve your cognitive function significantly and perform better at tests!

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