
Studying can be dull and boring at times. Sometimes the material doesn’t feel inspiring, it can feel frustrating when it is difficult, and stressful if you are under a time crunch. The more you dislike studying, the more difficult it becomes. How can you turn studying around so that you enjoy it?



1) Improve the Environment

Many students hide away at a lonely desk for hours at a time, often feeling isolated and bored. If you are uncomfortable in the environment you have chosen, change it. Try studying at the kitchen table instead of your room. Go to a lively, warm coffee shop. Find a cozy couch in the library. Looking forward to the space you study in can significantly improve the time you spend studying.

2) Study in Smaller Chunks

Studying feels daunting when you have to do it all at once for hours and hours. Instead, plan it out and study in short chunks of 30-45 minutes. It is much easier to focus for 45 minutes than for 3 hours. It is also easier and more fun to study without the stress of an impending deadline.

3) Find a Connection

Memorizing dates, equations, grammar rules, historical facts, and other material required for courses can feel like insignificant busy work. When you can find a connection with the broader world that resonates with you, it can help pique your interest. Find out where the information can be used in a career. Discover interesting stories through a documentary or podcast that connect to the subject. Look for ways to make the information more relevant to your daily life. When the material is fascinating, it is much more fun to study.

4) Study With a Friend

Friends make everything more fun. Start a study group with a friend. Meet regularly to review material, help each other make sense of confusing subjects, and encourage one another. You just might look forward to studying if it also means getting to hang out with people you like being around.

You don’t have to dread studying. Even just changing your attitude toward it can make it more enjoyable. Try to set up a study schedule that doesn’t dominate endless hours of your time. Find your favorite place to study, while staying productive. Make connections to the real world to stay interested in the topic. Study with friends for more fun. You may find that when you enjoy studying you will perform your best.

Effective Study

Studying is more effective when you can use methods that engage your unique brain. Everyone learns differently, but taking an evaluation about your learning style can help you discover where to start and how to focus your studies. Get smart study tips for efficient and effective study with these two evaluations.

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