los-gatos-act-sat-test-prep-tutoring-services-copyScience and engineering are ever broadening career paths. New discoveries and technologies are consistently opening up new job opportunities. Some of the world’s most exciting organizations such as Google and Apple need employees that are skilled in science and engineering. If you are unsure about a future career and you enjoy math or science, you may want to look into a career in science or engineering.

Career Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math) have “some of the best opportunities for job growth in the future.” In 2013 the average wage for STEM careers was nearly 2 times as much as the national average wage. According to the US Department of Commerce STEM careers are expected to grow 17% between 2008 and 2018, while Non-STEM jobs are only projected to grow 9.8%

Variety in Types of Jobs

You may think of STEM careers only as working in a laboratory, conducting research, or working behind a computer screen, but a background in science and engineering opens up a wide variety of jobs. Organizations also need managers, sales people, educators, journalists and more that have a strong knowledge of science and engineering. If you enjoy working with people, managing systems, teaching or sharing knowledge, you may want to look into careers that use your science knowledge, but also harness your passion for working with people.

Rewarding Career Path

Many students who study STEM fields in college receive excellent internships and are often recruited before graduation to ideal jobs. STEM careers offer professional development and opportunities for promotion. During a time when many jobs are becoming more difficult to find and don’t offer opportunities for professional growth, science and engineering careers continue to offer exciting possibilities. Discover how your passions could lead to a rewarding and secure career path.


More About Mr. Test Prep’s Los Gatos ACT SAT test prep tutoring Services

Michael Romano has been offering his Los Gatos SAT prep services for almost two decades. He’s seen thousands of kids and helped with just about every kind of standardized testing anxiety a student could have. This has taught him that increased scores come down to confidence. Yes, you have to understand the material, but confidence is—more often than not—the #1 cause of a student’s trouble with testing. Bearing that in mind, he has created an SAT tutoring program that builds confidence by desensitizing his students to the conditions of the test, while providing them with targeted instruction on both the academic content of the exam and the tips and tricks that make it so much easier.